Feels good to laugh.

298  2018-06-08 by RBuddCumia


I love that man

I'm not a fan of a lot of people but Colin is definitely one of them.

I love to steal from that man - Yam Morton

Patron Saint of this sub

Don't forget Mel Gibson.

C'mon Col, don't just gloss over Crocodile Dundee II.

It wasn't enough like New York

I'd give a kidney to read that script he did. The fucking cast iron balls to do that.

But did he mention the terrible loss of a celebrity with whom he didn't have any personal relationship?

We don't deserve Colin Quinn.

Don't be so hard on yourself, Col. You've achieved a lot.

You've blessed movie screens as part of Crocodile Dundee 2.

You've made passionate love to dozens of men.

And you've helped out Jerry Seinfeld in his hours of need.


The second heart attack is fatal

Sant on erd

I liked him on that MTV game show. Haven't really followed him since even though supposedly he's right there with Patrice in O&A lore. I must have missed out.

Dude just check Jimmy vs colin. Aw he gets in Jimmy's ass for like 6 hours.

Remote Control ruled

His standup is actually pretty awful, and sounds a lot like his sarcastic tweets, but said sincerely. He's hilarious on the show, though, and of course his Twitter account.

Long Story Short is his best one and his original HBO half hour is funny but in a different way. He's wearing a Letterman jacket, only using a collar mic, and sits down to smoke a cigarette halfway through. Plus he hits on a lady too. It's surreal.

Nah his Stand Up comedy is actually so strong that Colin weirdly has a network of lesbians and feminists who love his shit because he can do political and social commentary about race and nail it without coming off like the poster boy "angry white straight guy who doesn't get it."

Colin can reference a rapper whose voice I have never heard and make little sexy college women giggle. I've seen him do it at live shows. The guy transcends PC culture even though for years he trashed it and said Faggot and shit.

Please go on a Colin on O&A binge. Colin Quinn gave birth to the style that the entire crew of comics and the O&A show itself emulated.

I wonder how the likes of Jim, Opie, Ant and even Sam feel when they see we generally like Colin. They likely try to write us off as just a perpetually negative group of people who shit on anything and anyone regardless of circumstances to convince themselves that we’re wrong about the things we criticize them for but that theory is kind of debunked when you see a Colin Quinn thread.

For now. Everybody gets their day in this sub.

If you're genuinely funny, we give you a pass. Guys like Big Jay and Luis Gomez catch a lot of shit for little things, but majority consensus is that they're funny onstage. Guys like Colin get no shit because they're gems all around.

No one talks about Big Jay or Gomez on stage. It’s always little bullshit from their podcast or twitter.

Big Jay and Luis Gomez? What the fuck? Thats just random to bring them up of all people, considering both of them.suck asshole no offense to you.

I think most here like Gomez but don't find him particularly funny. Most think Jay sucks but he comes off slightly better since he has Dave Smith next to him sucking the life out of the room.

Denny's a more interesting case; generally liked, not a comic, and yet I bet no-one here listens to his show.

Generally liked, not a comic, is a piss lord.

Opie and Sam came up with that. And knowing you used that is something you'll have to live with now.

Denny is goofy, sincere and a professional.

Do you mean genuinely?

I think it should be mentioned that Colin was one of the first to appear on Anthony's second rate basement show, when he was most in need. He sure as fuck did not do the same for Opie. Anthony was at one point an equal. Wha happen?

Fuckin Colin...

If Colin and Denny go, then the sub is over IMHO

The only comedian to ever understand Twitter.

What about the comedian who quit following all of his friends when they wouldn't go on his shitty trial vice show?

Unto what do we owe this unprecedented corpulence?

More like Billions of laughs Col. Always being humble.

I prefer heroin but to each their own

I'd give a kidney to read that script he did. The fucking cast iron balls to do that.