6-7-18 Jim Norton falls for trans again

0  2018-06-08 by LeftyHyzer

Blaire white is a liar Aunt Tom. Posted for years on a small forum I was on as the typical SJW trans type, full on leftist pseudo science advocate for anything and everything trans. Then one day deletes his/her account, never comes back, starts a youtube channel the same day with all of the anti-pc trans perspective stuff. views literally all flip flopped in a single day, that just so happened to be the day he/she started her channel.

Basically she targets guys like Jim as her audience, has made a lot of money playing the Milo-lite version of trans activist.


Nice post, stupid.

Want to secretly get rid of that pesky dick of yours, buddy?

So because I find it funny that Jim will eat up whatever a trans puts on his plate I'm trans?

IDGAF about trans right, i just find it funny when liars fleece people on social media.

I'm intrigued by how terrible this small forum probably was.

Probably as terrible as OP's small dick

If all trannies had small dicks you'd be at the truckstop glory hole with all the rest of the faggots trying to fill that 9" void in your life instead of responding to sissy ads on craigslist.

It's D2jsp.org, his/her former username was Churchgirl69

She/he/it is just one of the many people who got into that Anti-SJW YouTube get-rich-quick scheme at the right time.

It just shows you how fucked we are as people that 24 year olds are valued for their opinion. What are your qualifications to be a commentator? I have an opinion and people like looking at me. Ok cool.

And they have many millions of fans who just believe whatever they say without going through the effort of fact-checking them or being "skeptical" as they like to call themselves.

There's an alarming lack of rigourous, critical thinking these days. Probably because it's really hard and often doesn't yield the kinds of answers you'd ideally want - why go through that when you can have your own feeble opinion on an issue given back to you by some flashy YouTube 'personality'.

I don’t see what this has to do with Jim?

Is he bringing her up on his show??

yeah dude on the 6-7-18 show.

How do users like this even find their way here?