Ended career in more dignified way than Opie and Anthony

99  2018-06-08 by unclepaul84



Turns out he was a heroine addict.

At the risk of sounding like an after school special, drugs are bad.

her·o·ine ˈherōən/Submit noun a woman admired or idealized for her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. "she was the heroine of a materialist generation" synonyms: brave woman, hero, woman of courage, woman of the hour

the chief female character in a book, play, or movie, who is typically identified with good qualities, and with whom the reader is expected to sympathize. synonyms: (female) protagonist, principal (female) character, principal (female) role, main character, title character

Thank you for explaining that to me and my crippling retardation.

Nice after-the-fact edit, stupid.

Nice shaming-him-into-correcting-it-and-then-shaming-him-FOR-correcting-it, pal.

Spell shaming is on the rise under Drumpf

He rode that horse right into the afterlife, and hopefully to hell.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic but yeah, overcoming heroin addiction was kind of his whole schtick. It wasn't newly discovered fact after his death.

OK sure maybe everybody knew that but did you know that he liked to travel?

Ah ok.

Was he a current addict still? I know he had smoked crack in the past and all that, but I didn't see anything about him lately. That explains some of his facial expressions sometimes, I knew he smoked pot since they show it on the show, but other times it's like his whole face and demeanor was numbed.


"I don't see what the big deal is. YESSSSS." -Steve C

I liked his book, and I'm sorry for his family but now that I know he killed himself I've lost all respect for him. He wrote about the drugs and booze lifestyle like it was cool, and he had it all together. Really, he was just as mentally weak as the rest of them.

Look into how his wife mercilessly cucked him with young strong BJJ fighters. Not to mention while she was making him look like a weak old fool, he was filling his mind with self hating white man fuel. A man can’t take that kind of sui-fuel cocktail and live to tell the tale.

Was she really cheating on him?

I think they had an open marriage due to them both having 100% different schedules and interests.

You know, there are podcasts besides Infowars and the Joe Rogan Experience.

Really? Jamie, pull that up...

Red ice TV

Ugh, I know right?? Sooo cringey that suicide rates are up 30% since 2000. That's why I listen to Chapo 😂😂😂😂 Woke AF fam.

He placed in some tournaments and was a blue belt in bjj.

To paraphrase a great comedian, that’s a tough one, man. But seriously, I feel bad for anyone who must be going through whatever mental illness it takes to get yourself involved in a suicidal drug spiral. But at the same time, killing yourself is one of the most selfish things you can do, improves it’s easy to still be mad at someone you have empathy for.

☝️straight shooter!

And just recently in an interview he said he would have a hard time doing something like this now that he has a daughter. Then he just fucking does it. I'm a fan of his work but that's pretty shitty.

It's such a close minded and egotistical move. For someone who traveled the world. I don't fucking get how you let a random whore ruin you like that.

So the junkie who killed himself was also a liar? that's quiet the shocker. Not to speak ill of the dead, may his eternal soul rest with God and his martyred son Jesus Christ our lord and savior.

His marriage with his cute Brazilian wife ended a couple of years ago.

She was Italian. Also she has a great ass.


I'd throw a cummie into her heinee if you catch my drift.

No I don't. Explain further please.

Damn, that cries out to be pounded. I'd be suicidal if I knew another dude was tearing into that.

He was dating an Italian actress / model though.

Yea but personally I don't find her nearly as attractive as the old wifey Ottavia. Something about her just floats my boat if you know what I mean wink wink jerk jerk.

Ah I thought you meant he might have been upset about that, instead of the most recent one. But this is just about your boat.

This guy was a faggot. Just a personal opinion.

Is the food network hiring?

Too soon.

i still have no idea who this guy is.

Opie's dad


Yea but personally I don't find her nearly as attractive as the old wifey Ottavia. Something about her just floats my boat if you know what I mean wink wink jerk jerk.