Remember, education bad.

18  2018-06-08 by RBuddCumia


What fucking child has an “ideology”, by the way? If anything until your like 18 you just regurgitate what your parents believe in.

Really? You wouldn’t know it by the way these two fags try to pay homage to their loser father by pretending to act like wise guy guinea roughnecks. They’re both stuck acting like the kind of idiot their dad would have been friends with in 1973. “Just wait until I get one real name of one of those redditards.” Then what Joe? You embarrass yourself for the 30th time this year? At least Anthony didn’t do other people’s material you no talent ass clown.

At this point, conservatism is largely about denying reality, so he's talking about "facts".

Well, now we know why Joe can't get his daughter to school on time. What's the point, right? She learns more from Joe on the ride to school than she ever could in class.

"Daddy, I'm missing home ec!"

"Home ec, shmome ec. Here sweetie, get the amonia from under the sink, I'm gonna show you how to do some REAL cooking!"

"Daddy, are you cooking crack?!"

"Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you!?!? This is freebase! Crack is for niggers!"

You don’t got the answers Sway!

Tell me Joe, what kind of “ideology” do you teach your children by fucking them?

Never waste a drop of spit

Didn't this loser savagely beat the mother of his children with a frying pan? Now that's shitty parenting.

Nice pot calling the kettle black stupid. You failed at life joe. There’s no redemption in your future, dummy.

Didn't this fuck not take his daughter to school so many times that the wife had to get involved with the courts?

This is probably how he rationalizes/justifies being too lazy to bring his daughter to school half the time.

You fail as a parent when the child's uncle has paid for every bite of food that kid has eaten.

he lives in a trailer somewhere like shirley right? its gotta be a trailer.

He should be living in a trailer, but Anthony bought him a house.

The dunce had his home address up on his website for a while.

Yes because I'm sure understanding the world through the teachings of Joe Cumia is a better option.

The World According to Derp.

As a great man once put it:

"You did the crime, but not the time
Now you gotta pay for what you've done"

God, he must be one of those people who say, "The teachers are lying to you. They don't know what they're talking about." His kid is gonna achieve literally nothing just like him

Can somebody rat on him to protect that child? As a goof.

The Cumios pretending to be wholesome Mormons could be their funniest "bit"

Can you imagine this dullard being your father?

He should be living in a trailer, but Anthony bought him a house.

The dunce had his home address up on his website for a while.

"Daddy, I'm missing home ec!"

"Home ec, shmome ec. Here sweetie, get the amonia from under the sink, I'm gonna show you how to do some REAL cooking!"

"Daddy, are you cooking crack?!"

"Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you!?!? This is freebase! Crack is for niggers!"