Im sorry

29  2018-06-07 by CONCHOPETEghostcock


we have inflicted

so this guy is a rapist?

Of course he's in Encinitas


He's probably headed south to the brothels in Mexico.

Wanted to apologize in advance.

Nah, I think he is just stealing rapist valor.

Not quiet look again it says"we" GANGrapist

Not exactly a example of masculinity

He has the most sarcastic face I’ve ever seen.

[I assume he's speaking for a certain subset] only(

I'm pretty sure Charlie Sheen is not Jewish.

dude I don't factcheck these infographics I just disseminate them

Louis CK definitely isnt lol

His grandparents were

He has some connection to Jews. I think his Grandfather was a Jew who escaped the Holocaust, but got denied entrance to the US so he had to go to Mexico.

That actually makes sense. I always kinda suspected it

His grandfather was Hungarian Jewish

why doesnt he eat something

He wanted to but they only had pork tss

Hmm interesting. The wikipedia page says his mom is "strict Southern baptist."

(((strict Southern babtist)))

I don’t think Steven Segal is Jewish either

Wikipedia says his grandparents were Russian Jews.

To Schumer someone else's line. He sweats soy.

What a fag.


This is smart. I'm going to give it a shot. They'll never see the rape coming after this sensitive shit.

You know what's worse than insulting women? Trying to manipulate them with this horseshit.

Fucking jews

Dats vulgah.

No one who would type all that out actually likes pussy anyway

Gob from Arrested Development lookin mugg.

That’s the future of masculinity in America guys.Fuck.

Jew fag

I bet this guy got MAD PUSSY after sharing this with all the women whose Facebook statuses he constantly comments on.

I hope this Hebrew is doing this to get some trim.

That shit is so long it must be a ploy to put women to sleep and touch them.

Every one of these "I'm sorry!" guys is a rapist. People who feel guilty about something tend to regularly do things that they feel guilty about. "We" didn't rape anyone asshole, you did, and now you are trying to dilute your guilt by pinning your misdeeds on the heads of over 3.5 billion people.

Women are cunts. If men like these cant see that, theyre dumb or lying.

Say what you will but Rich Vos would never do this.

Ol' Rubinski.

Shame on all of you, (((fellow white people))).

Anyone who writes in sand is successful.

It pains me knowing he genuinely feels this way. What a faggot.

We should’ve helped Hitler.

If this is a bit it's fucking hilarious.

If this queer's serious he needs to be executed immediately.

He is like those people who say "we" on here. The amazing variety of faggots.

Of course he's in Encinitas

Nah, I think he is just stealing rapist valor.

Not quiet look again it says"we" GANGrapist