I wonder if the UK will do the same for Tommy Robinson?

2  2018-06-07 by Prosbora



i can't even tell if this is satire

Serious question for the Britfags on this board, how can you live with yourselves seeing this insane bullshit happen in your country every day? America is crazy as fuck, but we'd never allow a bunch of inbred pedophiles to enter our country and just do whatever they want.

yeah, we just allow them to host radio shows

You actually have literally all of those things.

Yeah but we can point them out to the police without going to prison for hate speech.


You're right. You've got some real above board cops over there.

Your faggot police wear high heels, keep quiet, Nigel.

And your police shoot children and terrorize the populace. Swings and roundabouts, I suppose.


They're called merry-go-rounds, you crumpet-eating genetic garbage can.

Not in my country they're not, you fat imbecile.

Got him!

Fuckin' killin' 'em today.

Swings and rotaries? You dumb cunt.


Yes it is. It's exactly the same. Those rednecks may have the extra option of having guns to shoot them with, but they'd be arrested for murder. That's why we have a legal system. We don't just go beating and shooting people. Vigilante justice isn't welcome over here. The legal system may not be perfect over here, but it works most of the time. Your legal system is far from perfect itself.

It is exactly the same.

Yeah man your legal system works so well that muslims can practice Sharia Law in your country and totally ignore your legal system, good job.


Here's a case of exactly that happening in your country, twatbasket.

Ha. I was thinking the same thing and live in the US.

Same way everyone does until it impacts them directly, stupid. How can you live with such a ludicrous amount of school shootings? See how that works?


Go and glue your dentures in, Flaherty.

We like our bloody children breathing when foreigners fuck them, damn yanks

We have those, NXVIUM is a high profile one.

Can you guess which presidential candidate they are loosely linked with? They were with her.

How do you guys trick these news organizations into putting a picture of Ant into these crazy news stories?

Speaking up for Tommy Robinson is even one step below paying for Compound Media.



You're right. You've got some real above board cops over there.