Troy is spending his music career money on getting his tits reduced

0  2018-06-07 by Dennyislife

How about you eat better and move more?


U/dennyislife spends his days avoiding British authorities after a paperwork error led to his release from an involuntary commitment at psychiatric hospital.

I really enjoy that it really bothers you I went traveling for a few weeks. I know I didn't ask strangers on the internet to pay my way but it does happen.

Enjoy your oiled up men pretending to fight buddy.

Why lie about traveling? We all care about your mental health and pray that the authorities find you so you will be returned to the psychiatric hospital and get the help that you desperately need. The sad reality is that in your friendless world of autism, where you "live" through your eight reddit accounts, we are all you got and we want you to get help.

I know you live in a fantasy land with your wrestling fandom but the rest of us don't.

We are down to 4 or 5 sub regulars who suffer through Jim and Sam and now 2 of them are enemies,,,,smh


Wow, that's crazy. What a wild show. What else did they discuss?

I heard he was having his fingerprints changed. There was an incident.

Just moving more, moving more and eating better

No more skateboarding workout?

Are you talking about gyno? If so that's hilarious. Troy is all vanity like a woman

Nothing says well-adjusted white male in his 40's like immediately using a record advance check to buy an overly expensive gold chain

(...Oh then a plane journey to get your dream neck tattoo.)

How do you know

He said so. Then Jim and Sam laughed at him even though they have titties too.