Listening to Anth try and convince us that buying DVD's off shit ass Deep Discount is somehow better than just streaming movies on Netflix/HBO Go/etc. is the funniest part of his awful show

136  2018-06-07 by SpaceCaseBassFace


You gotta wonder how a company terrible enough to align itself with the likes of Anthony with such an archaic business model manages to turn a profit. The DVD's are pretty much the same price as they are at Wal Mart.


He's thinks it's 2008 and he's on top of technology coz he played Everquest like a faggot. Clueless self involved idiot thinks people pay for podcasts and saying nigga is the perfect example of using free speech.

When he was on Rogan's podcast 500 or so episodes ago, Joe tried to convince Tranpa to just make it a free podcast. They discuss many touchy subjects on JRE and it makes millions of dollars. Anthony is just a lucky dunce. He really Private Pyle'd his own career with paywalling his shitty show.

Like Rogan knows more about the biz than Keith.


Bob Kelly said it best.

It's great if you are in a cabin in the woods.

Ha, vurry good. Now let's go to the phones, MONGOOOO

Some people would call that their “podcast studio”.

Can you get cabin building equipment into the city?

Almost every major retail outlet that sells dvds has better prices than deep discount

I have never once been to the website

It's awful and looks like it's from 1995

I haven't bought a dvd since 2008.

Ron Paul 2008 - HOPE FOR AMERICA

They've sold DVDs at a loss to draw business in for at least a decade.

And this weekend only, Gigli starring Jennifer Love-Hewitt is only 9.99 w/ free shipping

Netflix sucks. They'll have a dozen legitimate Hollywood movies per category, then hundreds of dogshit nonsense, zero budget filler movies. You wind up needing to subscribe to 3 different streaming services to access a decent amount of decent movies.

Lol you still purchase physical media

Yeah. I wanted to watch a movie the other day, and Netflix didn't have it. Neither did Amazon. If I had the physical media, I could have watched it.

But why are you buying it physically when you just download it for nothing?

Torrent sites are too sketchy, and you don't get the special features and commentary. Yes, I watch the extra features and I listen to the commentary.

I can see why you might think that as someone who doesn't pirate but there are many ways to stay guaranteed safe. And it's not my personal cup of tea but lots of release groups deal in full disc images so you get everything you would on the bluray/dvd at no loss of quality.

I like having the case on the shelf. Collecting is fun. I've been busted a few times for pirating, too.

Use a VPN dumbass.

Didn't feel like it, cunt. Anyway, I've only been flagged twice after hundreds of torrent downloads, I figured my odds were good.

No they arnt and even if they were use a vm. For 5 bucks a month I pay Scandinavian seedbox company who posts DMCA take down notices and laughs.

Some of us aren't living in abject poverty. I think nothing of going on a Amazon prime binge.

Shekels everywhere

I also go to the movie theater as much as I can. Unfortunately, I don't like Disney's Star Wars/Marvel atrocities, and they take over 2/3 of all theater screens.


Netflix is good for a month then you might as well cancel for the next 11 after you've watched all the decent shit.

Gotta agree. Netflix has really taken a nose dive with the quality of content in the last year or so.

The quality of movies overall has plummeted over the past decade.

Studios have wised up and realize it costs nothing to have your own streaming service. No every individual content provider has their own service and Netflix has nothing but shit and original content (which they turn to shit with their pro-feminist agenda.)

Movies used to be a self contained 90 minute story. Now, they need to hook you into seeing at least 5 movies from the same "cinematic universe", by using cheap tricks. With the Marvel moves, for example, for The Avengers 3 to make any sense, you need to watch 14 other movies that came out before it.

Multiple, multiple sequels used to be a bad thing. Now, they won't bother with the idea of making one movie, unless they can tack on 6 more to the "EU"

Netflix is no longer a streaming movie service, it's now a propaganda machine.

You dont want to watch bill nye rap about his "sex junk?"


Have you seen Barefoot and Pregnant Part 2: The Ali Wong Saga?

You wind up needing to subscribe to 3 different streaming services to access a decent amount of decent movies.

yup and it still winds up cheaper than a basic cable package

Even cheaper if you split a few with friends and share the passwords.

I can’t imginw who uses Deep Discount. I have no idea where my DVD player is, even if I did wanna watch a dvd. It disappeared around the time of last move & I haven’t missed once.

Casino Blu Ray on DD - $9.10

Casino Blu Ray on Amazon - $6.35

Casino Blue Ray on Piratebay - priceless

I'm seeing it for 9.70 on dd. Why is there a difference?

that's the discount!

The first time I ever heard of Deep Discount, I couldn't comprehend how this service was still in business.

Not only is it an archaic business model a and grossly overpriced product. Who in the fuck would enter there CC information on “” opposed to just going on amazon? The only conceivable reason I can see this company turning a profit is if these DVDs and getting lifted off a truck in Eastern Europe and amazon is blocked in Russia.

It’s hilarious that the only company willing to sponsor Anthony is a website that sells DVDs at MSRP. Media empire folks.

The USED CD's are somehow more expensive than they were new. Why wouldn't I just get them used from Ebay or Amazon, when most of them are like 5.99 including shipping?

never underestimate a business model that's catering to morons.

Shell company.

I don't get the concept of owning a movie, unless you are a kid. When I was a kid I could watch movies like Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Better Off Dead, Revenge of the Nerds, Police Academy and the Toy (Richard Pryor) thousands of times without ever getting sick of them.

Now, as an adult, I rent a movie at Redbox, watch it once and I'm good. Even if the movie was great, I have zero urge to own it.

Old fart

I rent a movie at Redbox

You're as out of touch as ant.

Fuck off, friend. It's $1.75 versus paying $5 for the same VOD version. Plus there's like 5 of them within a mile radius of my house, so it's not like I'm going out of my way to get it. I used to bit torrent everything, but I wasn't using bit torrent enough to justify the cost of the VPN service I was using.

Fuck off, friend.

That's oddly comforting.

I bit torrent everything without a vpn. Are you afraid the FBI is gonna fine you $1,000,000 for making copies of that cassette?

I received two warning letters from my ISP and they informed me if they receive one more copyright infringement claim they would disable my internet. I knew nothing would come of it but it freaked my girlfriend out. Plus, I don't have a PC anymore, so it's either Redbox or VOD for me.

A complete fabrication

Yeah, because I’m so ashamed to admit I rent movies from Redbox I had to create a supporting, yet fabricated story. You’re the type of guy who thinks building 7 was brought down by controlled explosives.

Anyone who is able to post the truth on here is able to post a lie and your story and delivery rang untrue.

Why the fuck would a person lie on an anonymous message board. More importantly, why would someone lie about justifying why they rent movies at the ONLY place to rent movies nowadays. You’re fucking stupid.

I can't imagine why major sponsors are not flocking to this multimillion dollar network.

Like many others I had amassed a giant collection of DVD/VHS tapes over the years, many still in the wrapping. Know what I did with them? Put them in a box by the road with a sign that said FREE on it because nobody other than broke kids and poor people still want them.

I lived in a poor part of town and when I moved I left the boxes of DVD's by the Dumpster. I came back in a few minutes and they were gone. I really felt like I gave back.

I imagine you started an urban Holiday with that miracle

“And on this day every year, we watch “white chicks” with the commentary on, just to honor that one lazy man who threw away money”

They can hear my voice if they turn up the menu music on the JCVD classic "Knock Off." Or so the legend goes...

It makes sense when Chip plugs it because he is retarded.

I feel like if people really want to get a DVD, they'll just order it off of Amazon.

You've got a good point there.

So do the other 95% of the population that does the same exact thing hahaha

The DVDs they sell are actually pirated copies. They turn a huge profit in which they funnel to the Mujahideen, who Anthony used to fight for before getting his guns taken away for being a drunken mess.

ISIS took his AK-47 away.


I picked a DVD off the top of my head and Amazon's price is less than half of deep discount's price.

What the fuck?

I have no idea how they are even making money, how many people could possibly be ordering enough stuff to justify keeping 95% of their inventory in a warehouse?

Deep doscount should not exist. There's reason for it to exist.

Probably a shell company to launder money through. I don't believe they make money.

They can hear my voice if they turn up the menu music on the JCVD classic "Knock Off." Or so the legend goes...