Anthony is currently drunk-tweeting at a fake David Hogg account

35  2018-06-07 by FlashVirus

Deleted all the tweets already and no screencap but here's him realizing the fact:


Ant wants davids hogg in his mouth

I saw the Sue Lightning account harassing him. I bet getting bullied triggers him to drink even more.

He would like David's Hogg.

Can someone who isnt banned ask Anthony why he doesn't tweet pictures of his guns anymore?

Clam up.

and risk getting sent back to obscurity? no thanks

"Haha! I showed hi...FUCK! I'VE BEEN TROLLED AGAIN!"

His advice for someone who survived a school shooting is parlay it into getting laid more. With coping skills like that it's hard to believe he avoided his ill mother for 5 years.

“He showed the nation he’s not too bright”

Coming from the elderly creep that lost a multi million job because he was taking pictures of a black hooker. Screams intelligence to me.

Haha no more firearms or 5.11 tactical gear or rapiars you faggot just acute alcoholism and an alprazolam script.

Out of all the failures nana loosing her guns is the best. This tweet is a reminder she's trigger happy.

Glad Ant needed to let the world know "alert: I have deleted the tweet. plz don't send me to obscurity over my error."

Twitter has really been beneficial to Anthony.

anthony is just a sorry, sad sack. So glad his guns were taken away.

Wasnt there a twitter account made to archive/copy all his tweets automatically?

Another day, another embarrassment for Anthony "Plea Deal" Cumia.