Compound Media Presents: Kendra Sunderland.

40  2018-06-07 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Kendra meets the Cumias!

Yes I believe that was the original joke


I've mentioned this a million times, but girls like this are routinely working at strip clubs in Eugene and Springfield Oregon. There are basically no jobs in the city and something like 50,000 girls going to the two colleges there.

I used to buy lap dances from Kendra when she worked at Sweet Illusions in Springfield. Really hot, but also a bit of a cunt. She acted like she was doing you a favor by giving you a lap dance and they weren't very good. (By that I mean that she wouldn't let me finger her.)

Viva Eugene.

I'm sorry, but just because you throw a woman in the middle doesn't mean that's not still gay as all fuck

Well than color me gay.

i'm just amazed they all look alike. it looks like the same guy with 4 different hair styles. i didn't think i was racist until i realized i couldn't tell black people apart if it weren't for the hair.

Only ones with the ability to create clones or "duplicates" of yourself such as Multiple Man that are physically indistinguishable and twin like are ones that make light based or energy based in structure. This meta human appears to be using a biological based power.

And they all have shit tats which means prison and we all know what those people like doing in prison,hint hint.(get fucked in the ass)

I'm sure she had a well-adjusted childhood.

Fuck you, dude! I was having a good day until now. Christ...

What did you think this post was gonna be about?

unironically this

She really knew how to fuck them blacks. I give her that.

Thanks for the review

The fella with the Jin Kazama tattoo is alright in my book.

that one dude has a Jin Kazama tattoo


She probably still smells like coon cum.

She also likes black box:

Fuck off

Say what you will but at least the he boons are circumcised.

the jew only has his talons in the negroids rap music for the time being

He booked her specifically because he's a fan of this video.

why would you do this to me

Her parents must be so proud.

Her mom is Julia Ann.

I disapprove

I thought fucking black guys was career suicide. Especially if you are a porn actress?

Hahaha come on son. It's degenerate as fuck why wouldn't they

not when the porn idustry is controlled by (((them))), fucking a black guy is almost a requirement since (((they))) want to destroy the white nuclear family. The creator of blacked is part of the chosen people, his name is Greg Lansky google him.

Any relation to Meyer? Too bad Adolf was a half ass.

White woman rapes five innocent virgins

Somewhere Danny Ross is rubbing his hands

He wants her position in the group.

Nana secretly fantasizes about being in Kendra's position here everytime he views a video of those young black bad-boys commiting crimes.

Guy in the middle looks like Sayid from Lost.


This is utterly enraging and I won’t jerk off to it more times than I have to.

Nice cock, stupid.

That antique farm equipment probably received quite the workout.

That's wife material right there - some NY jew.

i watch this vid once a month atleast

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