What happened to Steve? He was an O&A producer and killed himself. So basically he was nuts and the harassment pushed it over?

2  2018-06-07 by Outofthefuckingblue

It's almost a clear case of a mentally ill person harassed by their employers and then commited suicide.

Is that the story?


Opie and Danny Ross basically killed him.

That and O&A are so fucking cheap that they had an international radio show and couldn't bother to pay their poorly paid webmaster for the costs associated with the closest thing they had to an official website.

Not only didn’t pay him, but ridiculed him for watermarking etc., when they could have paid peanuts to someone to do it properly. Yet they get mad that the guy doing it for free tries to promote his brand too

They were never an 'international' show.

A few Freddie mercury impersonators listened on YouTube in violation of sharia law.

But of course opie had to inflate his ego..."90 cities and London"

Basically, opie = scorch

Im sorry but they were on in Canada which is technically international, buddy. Stop bein such a haterrrr

Nice try with...?

Leave it alone




Danny did the same thing to Steve that he's doing now to Lazlow. When Danny had nothing, Steve let him sleep in his house and work for FoundryMusic.com.

Danny pays people back by trying to ruin their lives and driving them to kill themselves. Opie helped by publicizing it.

yikes. pal, I think O&A stuff if is funny, but this sub is psychopath material.

It was a funny show, but for god's sake, relax.

It's over. This mission is over. ;)

You do realize there is no possibility of proving what you said. Perhaps just say it with the police. Otherwise you are bullshiting.

Fuck you talking about? It was documented on air for years and Danny said most of that shit himself.

You're posting a thread about something you're totally ignorant of and you're telling me I'm wrong, fag?

gotcha "thatniggadre" stop while you're ahead. i asked an open ended question and its clear this o&a stuff is bad news and to debate with someone like yourself is pointless.

Oh shoot, I have to apologize. Was totally in the wrong and my info was way off.

My bad for being an ass.

Give me a kiss, sir.

He killed himself on his anniversary so it was over his girl

In hindsight his on air appearances were very telling. The poor guy always struggled with something, depression, weight gain. Of course they're intertwined, but I also think Steve never had a healthy outlet for his feelings. Always quick to go the "Yeah wanna take it outside?" route.

He was the first victim of Opie's bathroom video fetish. Steve threatened to tell management and Opie called in a mob hit.