Oh baby boy!

20  2018-06-06 by RBuddCumia


Jim almost regurgitated his egg whites thinking about a 40 hour work week.

Jimmy has never worked a single day

You're forgetting his period of marijuana addiction where he drove a fork lift.

He was Toast at Purgament!

Jimmy not taking a stand on something??? Sir, is this opposite day or something???? You're blowing my mind here!

Jim is like a jellyfish. In that he is a faggot and should die

Remember back when Jimmy would rant about dumb bears and birds who were bathing in oil? That was before his transition to Tim Morton.

Really that fucking rat is annoying as fuck and I would be pissed if I had to take that street everyday. What does the rat even stand for? I hope the guy in the truck is drug out and pummeled mercilessly.

Workers used to replace union workers are called Scabs or Rats so the unions got this inflatable rat they call Scabby the Rat to protest companies who hire non-union employees for cheaper labor.

40 hour work week? Shit.. Norton works 12 on most weeks 9at best) and on the RARE Fridays in studio he works 15. Now that Sam is back on the board he works even less.... If pussy boy doesn’t get his coffee on time (like today) or his eggs with mustard he makes such a big deal about it.. FLSA says that you don’t get a meal break until 4 hours in on a shift (at least in my state)....