Uh oh, Carl's gravy train might have some trackage issues.

4  2018-06-06 by Leofan7


Fieri has also weathered accusations of racism, sexism, and homophobia

Sounds like a real ass dude to me.

Yeah, but he also hangs out with Carl.

But Carl illegal. He doesn't have rights.

He shoved steak into Sam's mouth and laughed at him as he cried. Guy is a great egg.

Actually can I break character and say that this is the most hideous restaurant front I've ever seen. What a bombastic boob he is.

But perhaps there's a darker reason behind Bourdain's contempt of Fieri. After all, it was Fieri who really took the gloves off during a 2012 roast of Bourdain in which he used Bourdain's history of drug abuse as a punchline. "I hear you're the only one in [culinary] class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter," Fieri joked. Oof. Though Bourdain has been open about his addiction, perhaps he wasn't too keen on having it turned into a joke by the Mayor of Flavortown.

Gotta say, Not a bad line.

That's a better line than Norton would come up with. "Your like Henry Fonda picking blueberries." Are ya?

Hey, at least it’s a topical reference

Here's a smattering of the statements Fieri's neighbors entered into the public record:   "A race car was fired up next door by the applicant's staff with no warning. The noise very nearly seriously injured one of my show horses. This has happened a couple of times."   I side with Guy over the neighbor.

"Guy said to me: 'You know, it's true: Jews are cheap.'"

Now I kinda like him.

Guy is the Big Jay of the Food World!

His appearance on hot ones was pretty good.


He tricked Sam by having him drink vodka, already a great act that cancels out a 100 missteps.

The media tries to destroy non conventional white men. Same way rappers get away with toxic masculinity.