These four years are going to fly by!

42  2018-06-06 by RBuddCumia


Can grown men please stop with the selfies? It's especially gay when we can see your dumb phone in your hand.

Yea if Artie doesn’t watch it he may become hard to respect

i don’t have a tinder account cause i can’t figure out any ways to get pictures of myself that aren’t selfies or mirror pics

Make friends

im gunna have to do something soon... how do adults meet friends organically? i just turned 23 work alone and don’t go to school.

Get married, then you can blame not having friends on your bitch wife.

i changed my mind about marriage recently and decided i just want to find someone, nail her down and not ever worry about relationships again.

bingo, i'm naturally miserable in every relationship i've ever been in, so i'm just gonna go ahead and marry the girl i'm dating now and call it a day

youre a real crumb bum

What a lucky gal!

I did that, I don't regret it knowing I would wreck every relationship il in anyway.

It's either this unstable but stable relationship or im dying alone in my 1 room apartment from alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Eh who am I kidding this old hag is already tired of my bs and wants to send me packing so pretty soon I'm back to where im suppose to be anyway

Fuck that.

Go to a photographer, get a friend, have family that cares about you, take a picture with a timed laptop camera.

No grown man should take a selfy.

Nice unrealistic directions stupid

What the fuck is wrong with these guys? They are hideous as well.

If millennials are so fucking terrible, why do these grown men pretend to be them? Artie, Ant, Jim, Opie, Carl, they all act like tween girls.

They act like generation Z middle schoolers. Most millenials this days tryin to work and pay dem bills.

Last year, I was lucky enough to get VIP front section tickets to see Springsteen. It was stunningly embarrassing watching all these 40+ year old fucks have to take out their cells every time a new song played, so as to record their obligatory minute long video. Not to mention them having to snap a new group/self photo every half hour, lest no one would ever believe that they could have been one of the 100,000 people at that date.

I know it is hack--- but, the entire Boomer generation blames Millennials for being the bunch that gets trophies for everything.

I am part of that "trophy" generation. I am pretty sure I did not go out and buy a fucking t-ball trophy when I was 5 years old. Nor did I pay for the party to go to McDonald's for the t-ball trophy I didn't deserve.

The greatest export of baby boomers is passing the buck, crashing the economy (housing, auto, and eco) and never taking responsibility for anything they did. Magnificent human garbage.

You still sound like a faggot.

Boomers will talk about how great their childhood was and how when they were kids they just played and explored from morning to dinner without their parents even knowing where they were, and Im not gonna lie I envy them because that wouldve kicked ass, but theyre the same exact people that gave us cell phones when we were 12 and made us give them intel on a fucking hourly basis. Fuck them they ruined my generation

I think you're missing a generation. It doesn't jump from boomers to 12 year olds with cell phones.

Whoever the fuck they are, they stink

wrong, only your generation whatever it is stinks.

Nice generation, stupid

cell phones when we were 12

who the fuck do you think the baby boomers are, unless your parents made you when they were in their 50s which would mean you have down syndrome. It's most likely that Gen-Xers are your parents. blame the stupid faggots like Paul Rudd, because it's their kids that were young enough to have a cell phone at 12

Kids born in the early to mid 90s generally had cell phones by age 12. Some of them had boomer parents but yes you’re right most were Gen X. But you’re missing the crux of my point which is that the same people that complain about millenials are the ones that doomed them from the start. And now everything sucks

Artie is doing it ironically, like "Can you believe it? Me, taking a selfie?!"

But when you keep doing it over and over and over again it stops being a joke and just becomes something that you enjoy doing.

Nice jacket. Chilly june weather or dope sick?

More like a sick dope! Heyoooooo!


it was in the 60s today in NYC, but... yeah, artie's going to die before his probation's up

This is it. This is the man Nana thought would save his failing podcast network.

well to be fair to Anthony, nobody knew Artie had a drug problem

Yes, it's not like he hasn't talked about it publicly on national broadcasts for 20 years.

It's called comedy you stupid civilian

Wine, dinner, movies spontaneous fun.

Who do they think they're fooling with giving this guy 4 years of probation, anyhow, at great cost of time and money to society? Why even have him in the court and rehabilitation system? Its dumb. Just acknowledge you don't really care if he dies of a drug overdose or not and that he's just a harmless twit who will be content to OD before he's 60.

Yeah i dont understand why as a society we care if artie does H and we r just spending money on this and countlesss others, for what?

We made law enforcement and judicial systems as income generators instead of justice seekers

Having any amount of H on you is a felony. Fighting a felony drug case requires money. Dope fiends have no money. Dope fiends usually dont even have jobs. Let's add more gas on their dumpster fire lives by making them even more unemployable and suicidal.

Nice nose stupid

Omg he cute af

His nose has a nice "balloon filled with heroin" quality to it.

Why would he have mirrors in his house?

I only like this style of photography when its a topless female and the title is "just turned 18, what do you think of them?"

::: right clicks, saves as...:::::

I thought this was a pre production photo for a character in Sin City 3.

He'd look like a completely normal human being if he didn't have junkie tendencies.

Motherfucker looks like a Dick Tracy villain.

That awful cord is almost as ugly as his face.

Looks like an 84 year old with a face transplant

Nice dongle stupid

Wtf is wrong with his nose? I thought it was just broken and would get better.....

When did Artie turn into Joey Buttafuoco?

Hahahahahahahahahaha, look at his fucking nose!!!

Dat fuckin NOSE.