Meemaw Cumia has no idea that if this subreddit ever goes down, the only people who remotely give (or gave) a shit about him will be gone.

13  2018-06-06 by okkultism

He talks and acts like this subreddit is the bane of his existence, but we generate 100% of the attention and interest in him and his brand, even if it's all negative. If this subreddit were to disappear, Anthony would have nowhere to go to assure himself that people still care about his worthless, tragic existence.

He would be trapped in his own existence, with nowhere to project his insecurity or affirm that he was in fact loved at one point in the past.

P.S. If you're reading this Anthony, ur gay and black


He’s so self destructive that he’s find another way to get rid of the anger and resentment he feels towards himself for being a homosexual failure

Exactly without this one centralized organized web page, his shit would drift into total obscurity. It's the sad fact that the, Opie, Norton, Sam and James don't want to admit. And it's why people like Luis J are well liked generally. We are really the only people who have any clue who any of them are.

Clam up, you.

Has anyone tallied up the controversies that have originated that here he's spent full episodes addressing?