You're irrelevant, Anthony

108  2018-06-06 by NainanMyersDickfield

Your best days are almost twenty years behind you. It's over. Nobody but this sub remembers or cares. Instead of making 7% on your fortune and living off the interest, you're sinking it into a podcast network. Bill Schultz and Aaron Berg won't bring you back. Dave Landau won't make you relevant again.

And that's what you're most scared of. That's what the tweeting is about. Everything is changing is except you. The Bud Light and Xanax can't stop it. You're fading away, irrelevAnt. Welcome to obscurity, you sad sad man


He's still hilarious! He has to be, don't you hear how hard he laughs at shit he says himself?

But everyone like I love honey moon references

If he was the least bit relevant the NY Post, Vulture, Buzzfeed, Jezebel and The Root would have been all over him for the allegations of child grooming, statutory rape, date rape, contributing to deliquency of minors as well as all of his racist and violent tweets.

His obscurity is the only thing that has saved him from being completely destroyed.


I love it.

I don't approve of this OPIEProbriousness.

Yours fucking stinks

I kno

The words you're smashing together need to flow off the tongue, brothaman! They gotta have that CHEMISTRY!

The tiniest most insignificant insect 🐜

Why don't you just go ahead and clam up!

My tummy hurts from reading this.


It must kill these guys, all of them, to know they are completely anonymous without one another. Especially Jim. He hasn’t even been fired and he has become as irrelevant as Opie and Anthony.

He's only famous because Opie picked him up

I don't believe that jim norton is more greedy than danny he is happy to be making 500k+ a year with out anyone noticing

O&A actually did manage to make national news once in a blue moon. First time I heard of them was when they were suspended from XM due to homeless Charlie. Nobody could give a shit about any of these losers now. Whenever there's a mention of Jim anywhere, it's always "comedian Jim Norton". Even on that fucking chip video that manages to get upvoted once in a while.

Redditor’s commenting on the state of someone else’s life and relevance never fails to amuse me

making 7% on your fortune and living off the interest

7% interest? What year is this?

looshen up folksh

You can hire one of Vos’ relatives to help with the investin

Pretty standard average S&P return over the last 20 years.


Did you just make up irrelevAnt? I like it

Do ya

Would ya?

He should have retired when most of his fanbase turned on him. Up until that point, Compound Media might have been had a chance at success.

Although I agree with everything you said, this whole thread is about you debuting ‘irrelevANT’.

Still listen to him every day.

In defense of Ant and Adam Carolla, these guys figured out that owning the studio is smarter than doing a radio show. Though Ant's show is unlistenable, his website, studio, and comedians are good.

Gavin does a better show than Ant but he's not handy enough to build a website or studio.

Carolla seems to be a good business man though. Ant is so lazy he doesn't even want to be involved with the business of his own business.

It would be fucking ironic if Keith The Cop and his wife are the glue holding the entire endeavor together, while Ant puts in his ten hours per week

How long before we find out that u/NainanMyersDickfield is Joe's alt account?

7%? Pahaps more than that!

i disagree, he's not a man

He's irrelevant... 59th fucking post about him today...

Jesus, this isn't trolling, it's just a really accurate description. That makes it so much worse.

I'm reveling in Ant's rapid descent into obscurity as much as the next guy, but his best days were like 10 years ago on XM.

Early WAAF was pretty hacky

The best thing about O&A was that Jim got all his friends from the cellar to do the show

He should sell his house and buy a cheaper (same size) house in Texas and live off his proceeds. Staying in NY with those insane property and state taxes is idiotic no matter how good the pizza is.

We don't want that fuck moving down here. He'll have adverse effects on our sensible gun ownership stats!


tsssss fawkin homah