You sick fuck.

6  2018-06-06 by RBuddCumia


I don't know, this might be the first funny tweet Nana has sent on her latest account

1 in 500 ain’t bad. I too found this funny.

He's been patting himself on the back for his "Too bad it wasn't take your kid to work day" about Pete Davidson's dad... like that joke hasn't been said a million times already

He's pretty obsessed with Rosie, but we all know he just wanted the kid on his timeline.

“You wanna put a baby in your mouth, you f-ckin’ sicko.”

No, it is you f’ing...........sicko

"Hey! That's Johnny. We don't speak to Johnny like that, he's a buddy."

Shut your cakehorn!

My cousin met Rosie once, said she was a flaming cunt.

Pizzafacegate is real.

He's always fantasizing about biting younger woman. He only acted on it once (that we know about).

Rosie O'Cunthole


Ant has a point. What's the point of getting rid of evidence if you haven't fucked the kid first

Ant is projecting here.