sam described the 12 year old on the ground crying sound clip as as "so money"

76  2018-06-05 by RahShieWoo

Chokeslam his kid and give him about 12 dollars. Thats money.


I used to think his eating habits were the worst thing about him, and that his personality couldn’t possibly get worse, but then he went and become a wigger a few months ago, and one-upped himself.

It’s like he’s purpose built to be the most irritating person on the planet. There isn’t a single admirable thing about him.

The fact that Jim never blows up at him and calls him on his bullshit is proof that Jim has checked out and doesn’t care anymore. Also, the fact that he exists at all is proof that there is no God.

Jim's got his own fake personality to worry about.

Jimmy's just showing up and cashing checks.

The Paycheck Keed

Lets not forgot all of the free plugs he gets for every show he does. Fucker has it made.

Hair plugs or butt plugs? Both. Probably.

Plugs for his stand-up shows. The ones where he takes the stage and pretends to be an edge-lord.

He is such a self-hating half whitey, too.

Did Troy follow up “it’s FIRE”?

He did, just before going on Tinder to secure a date hiking next weekend

Did anyone else catch how he said he liked the noise the splat made when the kid made the pavement?

His bloodlust will never end.

Did he get a zipcar set up yet!

"It'ssh money, it'ssh money."

danny ross was right about one thing. when asked about sam, he replied

Sam is a carnie. Always looking for an angle.

That's rich coming from a JEW!

i understand that Sam was adopted, but it seems as though he is an ethnicJew

If he caught AIDS that would be so money.

When did "swingers" come out?

1996, baby.

Don't forget about his new SJW angle. When Luis J. Gomez said that when he was a kid, the other kids called him nigger and beat him up and Sam said that it wasn't the same as a black person being called a nigger. But it actually is exactly the same, because no one cares whether or not their great grandparents are slaves when they're getting their teeth kicked in, it's more of the group beating than the mean words they use.

Sam's a nigger

And he think"s he's the best dancer. And he stinks!

Thats because Sam has no values or opinions on his own and he only says what he thinks people want to hear.

Ew no he didn’t...

I really want to see him die. I haven’t listened to J&S for months and I still hate him more than ever.

lit af, fam

he's gotta stop saying "live your best life" also. Its like when gretchen weeners was trying to make fetch happen.

If Sam died I would be happy. If it was a painful and or embarrassing death I would literally jack off to it.

It is pretty money to be fair

Sam thinking he's this hip, cool guy who is down with pop culture is so embarrassing. I am embarrassed for him. The guy is in his mid-30s and balding. I get that he's half a coon but that still doesn't make it okay. I think if Sam naturally exuded some sort of coolness then he might be able to get away with acting like that. But he does not. He is a manchild who loves pro rasslin.

I've always disliked Sam but god damn has he gotten impossibly awful in recent years. His unearned sense of accomplishment has gone into overdrive. He wants so bad to be the go-to for all of your pop culture consumption like he's Ryan Seacrest or whoever the fuck. But even rasslin fans don't respect Sam. You know you're dogshit when the obese neckbeards in lime green John Cena shirts look down their noses at you.

Hair plugs or butt plugs? Both. Probably.

Plugs for his stand-up shows. The ones where he takes the stage and pretends to be an edge-lord.