Are there people who honestly and unironically think that being gay is healthy and not some kind of disorder?

0  2018-06-05 by Prosbora


This guy is 1000% a closeted homosexual who’s father did not care for gay people, and who hates himself for his lack of interest in girls.

His alt account is /r/AnthonyCumiaShow.

This is pretty low effort.

no I'm serious tho, how can anyone believe that being a faggot is OK?

Why do you care? How often do you spend time trying to "work out" gayness? I couldn't care less, chop your dick off and shove it up your ass. Just do it quietly.

I didn't mean to trigger you, sorry. Just curious why it's popular to mainstream mental illness nowadays.

The word trigger. Jesus this is some throwback trolling.

wat? people use that word all the time still.

It's a faggot word you big faggot

You got faggots on the brain, welcome home.

Answer the question you closet case.

That's what I'm asking tho

What a dishonest bag of shite you are.

It's pretty well established.

HA, look at this loser!

Ya, I think there are actually. Good question.

you think being gay is a bad thing? well guess what? i bet you’re secretly gay for saying that! so what if i’m using it as an insult?

Having a fetish for having HIV positive semen put into a turkey baster and then shot into your gaping asshole is 100% natural and healthy, bigot.

Using mde meme talk 'unironically' should tell you that this is more suited for mde than o&a considering 2/3 of the eponymous hosts are queeh.

To answer your question, I think there's going to be a swing back. People seem to not realize the lightning speed of changes in attitude on this very topic - Obama was against gay marriage when he ran in 2008, for example. "Progress" is rarely one-directional and linear. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Using mde meme

what is that referring to?

I can tell you about my experience. I’m gay. I don’t think it makes me crazy or that I have a “disorder”. I’m just a the Cumias.

I’m not ashamed to be gay but I’m DAMN glad I’m masculine and nobody can detect it. That has made engineering and business a million times easier. Swishy guys are dismissed readily in the energy field. Other than that, life’s super similar to my straight buddies except I have no kids and I’m almost 40 and never had to deal with a chick on her period.

Also younger gay guys tend to be VERY open sexually with older guys. If Jim would just go full gay he would have a line of quality cuties at his door waiting to move in with him.

I’m gay

ew gross. stoppit >:(

Lemme go ask a schizo why schizophrenia is totally healthy

Lemme know what ‘they’ say

Poor sarcasm recognition is a symptom of gay

Let’s fuck and talk about it.

Good one, faggot

Cops are watchin'

PM me.

Are you 9 years old?

lol wat? Why do you love faggots so much?