Psychopathy Checklist

5  2018-06-05 by RoundImage4

You probably have read about it or been tested yourself by now: The Hare Psychopathy Checklist, the current standard for diagnosing psychopathy. It consists of 20 items, for each item a score between 0 - 2 can be reached. With a score of or above 30, you are likely to be a psychopath. These are the items:

  1. pathological lying
  2. glib and superficial charm
  3. grandiose sense of self
  4. need for stimulation
  5. cunning and manipulative
  6. lack of remorse or guilt
  7. shallow emotional response
  8. callousness and lack of empathy
  9. parasitic lifestyle
  10. poor behavioral controls
  11. sexual promiscuity
  12. early behavior problems
  13. lack of realistic long-term goals
  14. impulsivity
  15. irresponsibility
  16. failure to accept responsibility
  17. many short-term marital relationships
  18. juvenile delinquency
  19. revocation of conditional release
  20. criminal versatility

My score is 40. Is that bad?

Where is the rich vos date faggot?

I had conduct disorder when young; a right little fucker I was. Setting fires, firing cheap fireworks at strangers, theft and vandalism

I was a violent criminal at 16. Psychopathy is now called ASPD (anti-social personality disorder) because that's what I have been tested for

I'm almost 30 and most of my anti social behavior has subsided. Apparently it does mellow with age, unless you are in an environment that makes it worse

I have done some pretty messed up stuff as an adult that I can't really go into specifically but I have cleared peoples' bank accounts as well as siphoning money from previous jobs

What did you enjoy about O&A?


Psychopaths know they're psychopaths. They don't need to take internet BuzzFeed quizzes to know. Wanting to be a psychopath badly enough to even Google this shit is tragic

You are really off on this one. It's not a BuzzFeed quiz-like thing, a lot of research went into this list.

The list has been posted, because it many of the items can be recognized in the O&A universe. By that, I don't say that anybody of them clearly is a psychopath.

Besides that, psychopathy is just fascinating to me. But I'd never want to be afflicted by it.

Fair, I was just acting a cunt. Stoker is a good psychopath flick if you're into that shit, check it out

Its some sad shit when yuppies try to convince themselves they're some kind of deviant. See: Norton, Jim. Yeah, that's the reason you're alone. No one understands you. Wby even try. That's got to be it.

It's not about that, it's just fun to apply the list to O&A clips... not claiming any of them are without doubt psychopaths or that psychopathy was something to want for yourself and take pride in.

Anthony is a psychopath. Opie is a narcissist. And Jimmy has borderline personality disorder.

Swap the last two

Every symptom is artie

Sorry, I prefer the rabbit psychopathy test.

  1. Excessive and annoying wordplay 'yuma