This man wants lovers who can't remember 9/11

45  2018-06-05 by Dennyislife


Pretty risky for an alcoholic to use hand sanitizer...

He looks like something whose head you would blow off in Doom.


Yeah like a fucking cyber demon right?

Okay let's go to Doug in Baltimore.


Hand sanitizer to wipe off the Norwegian cum

He would use his tongue for that

Nice orthopedic spastic shoes, stupid.

Look at those fucking things. What a dork.

Lady Di can't remember 9/11

Baby shoes

the jews are responsible for 9/11 not sand niggers

He makes me fucking sick.

He can almost pass for Don Rickles

creepy little queer

What a sinister smile, I get why girls are creeped out by him

Dudes like Jim and the incels on here don't get that they are putting off that creep vibe no matter what they do. If they'd make some changes they could grow out of it, but they would rather sit in their masterbatorium edging to weird porn and not going out and living a full life, which would attract women naturally.

Nobody cares about Kiss and Ozzy posters and autographs just like nobody cares about a collection of anime girl figures.

Why doesn't he just start eating cheeseburgers again? A skinny piece of dog shit is still dog shit.

Yeah, well Ant wants lovers that can't remember George W. Bush

He would use his tongue for that