White Girl Bleed A lot by Colin Flaherty

71  2018-06-05 by RBuddCumia


That video is... Damning.

That’s what you think. Anthony totally had security cam footage that completely exonerated him. But, you know, the D.A was out to get our Nana and “lost it”.

Knowing him, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a top of the line security system at the McMansion, but it wasn’t installed or running properly during the incident.

Keith had a disagreement with the home security company and lost access to the footage.

The security company has their own podcast empire now

Real Ass security company.

Zype Security Service Emporium.

And yet, in Nana's account of the incident, the cops agreed that it was "bullshit" he was going to jail, and were "sorry" to arrest him. If that were the case, why would one of them go rogue and tamper with the evidence (a felony)? Our Nana wouldn't lie, WOULD HE!?!?

Oh but he would

Is it just the camera prospective or does she have some big ass hands.

This thing's middle finger is like 9 inches long.

You're already drawing it, aren't you?

I really should sketch Count Wapula biting this creature.

Can you draw Opie, Anthony and Jim together? I've been putting the finishing touches on my mental fanfic. Please, Big Boss.

I masturbate exclusively to your drawings

well it just got munched on by count Dracula

Everything about her is Alien-like 👽

Ant was simply trying to stop The Grays' insidious crossbreeding agenda.

Beating women just runs in the family. Joe SR, Joe JR, Anthony..

Why can't they just behave?

The women? I agree.

I'd bowl for that

"The switch to violence is immediate. No discussion, just violence. When will THAT be addressed? Oh, right, never. Slavery did it? Oh, ok."

— Anthony Cumia (@AnthonyCumia) July 2, 2014

They’re not people!!!!

Colin is a bag of wind, heard himbon some podcast. He is basically a hooplehead

what an inflammatory book title

I guess nobody was there to tell him to stop standing out in the rain that night.

I must hurt one to be so right.

What a disgusting, scrawny, drug riddled gutter cat she is. I bet her bresthe had the awful dry smell from doing too many pills.

Look at that chocolate hellhole.

Lol the thought of that miserable old mick devoting his life's work to documenting black thuggery is hilarious