He’d probably fit in better now.

24  2018-06-05 by RBuddCumia


I've got my eye on you pal. Also you aren't wrong.


The only reason a Cumia would wantvisit Germany before '45 is because they are suicidal. And rightfully so.

Hitler wasn't a big fan the Italians after the war. Anthony would be smart to stay away.

Hitler's opinion towards Italians ain't got fuck all to do with Tranfernee.

He looks like Angela Merkel’s ideal German for ‘18.


Cambodia or Thailand are more to his taste.

This geriatric has never left the continent of North America before, right?

He only goes on teenage basic vacations like shitty cruises and Disneyworld. He hangs out where pedophiles do, except he brings his own sand to the beach.


Hitler wouldn't even have labeled Anthony an untermensch. He would just be seen as an arab guy and laughed at for thinking he's white at all, let alone welcome in Nazi Germany as a fellow Aryan

A fucking gypsie most likely.

Rommel would have blown Ant's gigantic head off as he marched across Northern Africa.