Opie Podcast Episode #10 - Play-By-Play Analysis

101  2018-06-04 by NateJay82

Episode #10 – The White & Black Debate (Carl Ruiz & Chris Distefano). June 4 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Opie is once again recording at a Manhattan bar because that worked out so well last time.
  • Everybody takes turns calling Tim Sabean fat and gay without a hint of self-awareness.
  • Chris tells a story about his pet pig and his dad’s racist rants. Sirens blare in the background.
  • Some Food Network contest winner appears and talks about sweaty feet and colonoscopies.
  • “I intentionally misdiagnosed my patients and even had sex with one” – Dr Distefano.
  • Carl brags about kicking his friend off a plane to white-knight a random whore.
  • He claims his divorce happened because his wife couldn’t handle his celebrity lifestyle.
  • Gloria Chabot arrives. Carl shows off by insulting everyone and acting like a tough guy.
  • “You don’t half-moon cookies cuz you’re not famous food experts like me” – MasterChef Carl.
  • Superfan Michael arrives to brag about his unhealthy obsession with Opie & Anthony.
  • Food Network winner brags about his $220 spatula and Gloria tells the origin of Mother’s Day.
  • History Buff Chris thinks D-Day, JFK’s Assassination, and the Bay of Pigs happened in 1968.
  • Special Guest Robert O’Neill calls the show but Opie cuts him off after 2 minutes to wrap up.
  • Opie tells stories about meeting Chevy Chase and eating pot brownies at a hockey game.
  • Everybody plugs their stuff. Everybody talks over each other. Everybody claps. End of show.

Best Moment: Carl freaking out and insulting everybody at the table for 20 minutes because they don’t like black-and-white cookies.

Worst Moment: Chris plugging his history podcast when he thinks the Vietnam War started in 1968.

Overall: CutOffRobertONeillThenTalkAboutHimForTheNext30Minutes/10


If only someone did a Dice impression

A pot brownie? How high are ya?!

do they have any sponsors yet? has opie mentioned what the business model is for the podcast?

Deep Discount should offer their services. Opie can talk about the films he likes, Pretty Woman, Driving Miss Daisy, etc

No no no. You’re thinking of Ant.

Opie actually watches things from this decade, like the Kardashians.

Opie never mentioned having seen a single movie the others talked about. I guarantee his only exposure to new films is whatever kids movies he got dragged to.


Let's be honest, Opie would be watching Happy Feet 4 and The Chipmunks Squequel even if he didn't have any children.

Question: At Deep Discount, can I buy those $5 WalMart bin movies for several times more than that?

I almost picked up Big Trouble in Little China at one of those 5$ bins. my friend talked me out of it. meh but what do I know

I used to compulsively buy those DVD's. I ended up throwing a lot of them out when I moved. Some were still in the plastic. I was wasteful.

How did they take a phonecall in the bar, on a speaker phone?

Theater of the mind.

It's as big as your imagination.

Opie dragged a rotary phone he borrowed from Westwood One on a trolley to the bar because he's no longer a BIG radio star like he was when he was doing Opie & Jim.

It’s hard to get podcasting equipment into the city I have been told.....

He had Rob on Facetime and put the phone's speaker up to the microphone.

Sounds wonderful.

Carl freaking out and insulting everybody at the table for 20 minutes because they don’t like black-and-white cookies.

This is definitely one of those things that sounds way funnier than it actually is.

Yeah it really sounds like a riot

When you imagine it as Carl snapping and throwing the n word and other racial epithets around it does sound like a riot.

Wtf is this, is opie even trying?


Very and sadly exhausting the only resources he has left from a twenty year career that had some of the top comics and actors on it frequently.

All those years of acting like an asshole during interviews really came back to bite him in the ass.

Opie, of any of the three of them, should've known that after O&A he was finished. He did nothing but treat guests with derision and act like an asshole. His nickname was The Destroyer for fuck sake. Now he wants people to believe that was all an act and he was playing a character? Fuck him.

You can tell he's trying really hard. If you listen to it you can hear this overhanging desperation that is always in his voice. Like he's always panicking to make sure the show is exciting as possible at all times.

You try with the hate is cute, but the Opster is actually a raqio GOD who's been steering the ship since he was 18. LOOOOOSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRR!

Carl has a really gross, greasy mouth. Watch him speak and you'll notice. It's likely one of the many reasons his wife left him.

Does anyone have a mirror? I want to hate listen to this ear cancer

His wife was hot, too

No his wife left him because he's a high tier celebrity, you obviously didn't read the synopsis.

And a giant Jew hook nose.

What's interesting is that made-up troll version of these would be virtually impossible to tell from the real thing.

Somebody posted one a few weeks ago. I thought it was real, they had taken over, and I was finally free.

Celebrity lifestyle?

"That bitch couldn't handle me hanging out with a busty man in some shitty delis and bars and the attention is brought to our marriage."

It explains his sad clown persona more.

Gotta rub it in the ol’ ex wife’s face.

How long are these podcasts? 30 minutes? An hour?

So the OpieRaqio podcast is now OpieRaqio presents the Carl Podcast.

It's now Goatse Raqio

-History Buff Chris thinks D-Day, JFK’s Assassination, and the Bay of Pigs happened in 1968

Haha What a fucking dunce. Thinking back on it now I swear I’ve heard people mention on old episodes of YKWD that Chris claims to legitimately have a medical degree

Out now and crushing!!!

i cant read these anymore. it makes me irritated. superfan michael is a tool.

As bad is it is, it’s still better than Jim and Sam

You're really comparing late-stage alzheimers with full-blown AIDS. Yes, one of them is worse, but the alternative is just as bad.

How is Opie promoting his new podcast? Is he going on other podcasts to spread the word?

Are his tweets real? I'm starting to think he's just trolling us with this idiocy or this is a fake account. It's unreal.

if only we knew where the podvast was taking place in advance somehow, so i could send a drone jn

This all sounds terrible, but black & white cookies are pretty awesome.

Robert O'Neill... the perfect American Hero. He sure loves spending time with faggots who lie non-stop about things. If what he claims is true hopefully he can be the Hero America needs and finishes off some loud shock jock faggots.

Do you have like a patreon or something? I feel awful that you choose to sit through these.

Also is this the 1st official confirmation of Carl going through a divorce?

Preventing Opie from getting listeners is all the payment I need.

Carl's divorce was confirmed last episode.

Opie tells stories about meeting Chevy Chase and eating pot brownies at a hockey game.


He never said he ate the brownies WITH Chevy. That's something you inferred. That's the bit.

Maybe Opie said he ate them with Chevy. I dunno. I didn't listen either.

It probably started as two separate stories, but the Opester thought they sounded even more rad together, so he combined em in post.

None of this makes any sense! It's in a bar? And there are how many guests? And someone calls into the show...the show in a bar? Is this the first phoner of the new barcast? And Opie gave the guy how much airtime?

He's changing the industry. Who needs good sound quality or good guests?

Some people just don't get it Brotherman.

His wife won't let him podcast in the house (or be in it at all most likely) and he's too cheap to rent space. He's a traveling Scorch and he's unaware.

This has become a great hate-listen for me. Carl's patience seems to be fraying; he bashed Opie a couple of times and not in a fun way. I have a new appreciation for how Jim Norton captured Opie's nuances in Chip Chipperson, no joke...Opie loves to slide with the "what do you got on that?" life-preserver. "What're your favorite [insert current topic]s". A couple of shows ago when they were at that bar, his neighbor who he knows because their kids play together showed up. Opie had him join in. He was obviously bored, and left early; Opie even stopped the show when he got up from the table "What? Are ya bored?" "No...just getting a beer.". He never didn't come back. Well, this must be his neighbor's former favorite bar because he showed up again in this episode, Opie saw him, and told him to join in...he must have just turned around and left the place. He was never heard of again.

Remember when Opie talked about having to hang out with boring, annoying parents because your kids play with their kids. I guess he didn't realize that he was the boring, annoying one.

I want his neighbor to have a show.

Special Guest Robert O’Neill calls the show but Opie cuts him off after 2 minutes to wrap up.


so is tits that narcissistic that he'll disrespect Robert O'Neill because hes a favorite of ant's on compound media?

Chris Destefano talks about his dad?? No way.

Next you're gonna tell me Sherrod is black.

Opie promised "real" celebrity guests. So far, he's delivered on a 30 second recorded phone call from Carl's celebrity employer and this lady, who looks like a real hoot:


I don't get why Opie won't invite comics aside from the usual Vic and Chris. Does he not have comic friends anymore?


When did Opie ever have friends? He's burnt every bridge he's ever had, and the only reason people associated with him was to be on the show. Once the show started waning in popularity, big acts pretty much stopped coming on. Louis was a frequent guest, and once his show got big, he barely came on.

The only people that stick around for Opie are essentially just collecting a paycheck...which is why anyone hangs out with any of these old men. Opie and Anthony have to buy friendship and Jimmy has to buy sex.

I give Louis some credit, he did keep coming on the show for a bit after his show got big, but Opie started treating him differently like he was a "big star" and started asking him dumb shit you would ask a celebrity you don't know. After Opie alienated him with his star fucker behavior, Opie then turned around and gave the whole Louis is "too big for the show" now bullshit. Opie is horrible.

That Distefano really is the worst. Who actually finds that wop funny?

He's changing the industry. Who needs good sound quality or good guests?

Some people just don't get it Brotherman.

I give Louis some credit, he did keep coming on the show for a bit after his show got big, but Opie started treating him differently like he was a "big star" and started asking him dumb shit you would ask a celebrity you don't know. After Opie alienated him with his star fucker behavior, Opie then turned around and gave the whole Louis is "too big for the show" now bullshit. Opie is horrible.

His wife won't let him podcast in the house (or be in it at all most likely) and he's too cheap to rent space. He's a traveling Scorch and he's unaware.