"libertarian anarchy"

7  2018-06-04 by ChipChippersonAMA


this bland faggot has the name he should have

Dave Smithstein is the name he shoukd have.

Every fag with a political opinion thinks they're gonna be the next Jon Stewart.

Some of them get into fights with Jon Stewart m.

Ironically because they inadvertently helped expose his pedo-friend.

Dumb Ant could have milked that for months but it would be something something kettle black

Who in the sweet fuck could sit and listen to this for 10 fucking minutes?!?

so so so you can understand the principle of individual liberty maaaaaann you sit there and disagree while the state throws people in fucking cage maaaaaaaan for fuckin plant maaaaaaan. as ron paul said taxation is theft maaaaaaaan and the fucking war maaaaaaaaan all these progressives maaaaaan

omg im such an economics nerd lmfaooooo im such a geek with my economics love lmfaooooo I love like economic theory like so much and stuff im such a nerd about it lmfaooo

Doesnt know who Jeffrey Sachs is until April 2018 lmfaooooo cuz such an economics nerd. Only the most well known development economist in history. like such a nerd about those ecoooooooooooonomics lmfao0o0o0o0o0oo

Yeah but do u like him or no?

I don't know anything about him, but does he have a degree in political science or something? What would make a comedian pompously think that pontificating like this is something he can and should do, and what retards are listening to this?

Nope, his main reasoning is that "he reads" and that's not a joke

He dropped out of college before the first year iirc. He was "awoken" to libertarianism during the Ron Paul campaign, specifically the Ron Paul vs Rudy Giuliani moment as he calls it. He then got interested in libertarianism and eventually became a Rothbardian aka Anarcho-Capitalist, as in private property rights are the only way to structure society, abolish the state, Nordic models=socialism=bad, Marx is a monster. Ive listened to his podcast for years now he's pretty good on 2 issues imo: The war on drugs and the Wars in the middle east.

So literally two of the easiest things then lol

He's also good on the issue of slavery. He thinks it's bad.

I find it rather difficult to believe he has any sort of in-depth knowledge about the Middle East. Hell, I'd be completely surprised if he was even familiar with the Coalition Provisional Authority Order #2. Do you know of any episode in particular that I could check out his bloviations?

I dont know of any episodes specifically, they're behind a paywall for the most part anyway. If you're looking for his analysis on the middle east I recommend thinking back about major developments in the region then looking for the episode immediately after that date.

His frequent guest Scott Horton always talks foreign policy so I recommend those episodes if you have access to the show's archives. He mostly listens to Scott Horton though and that fucker knows his shit quite thoroughly.

Coalition Provisional Authority Order #2.

Well guess who pushed for that order despite everyone;s objections

((( ))))

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bremer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_B._Slocombe

Both Jews or for sure Bremer is. Also remember when Isis where starting to blow up ancient artifacts and temples bc and the meme was bc Allah said blabla but very few people pointed out that those temples and artifacts where in areas that had been under fundamentalist Islamic rule since the Middle Ages and yet no one destroyed them. Never trust a people who are guided by prophecies and,in this case, Chabad .

Paul Bremer

Lewis Paul Bremer III (born September 30, 1941) is an American diplomat. He is best known for leading the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), following the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the United States, from May 2003 until June 2004.

Walter B. Slocombe

Walter Becker Slocombe (born September 23, 1941) is a former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (1994–2001) and was the Senior Advisor for Security and Defence to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad (2003).

A lawyer and career federal official, Slocombe joined the staff of the National Security Council in 1969. Prior to that, he worked as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Abe Fortas. He is a four-time recipient of an award for Distinguished Public Service and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

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Unless some of his talking points include obvious things like :

1) cartels should be treated as terrorist groups because that's what they are and drugs are only incidental to their rise just as whiskey was for The Mob and

2) guys like Saddam or Gaddafi provided a much better solution to the problem of how to run their countries and they would have been dead by now anyway and their sons/heirs would have probably improved their cunts just like Sisi is better for Egypt(and for the world) than the various ((((((democracy groups))))) sponsored by the West

don't trust him. Libertarian attracts a lot of whackos,sheisters and criminals. Also the way to abolish the state is to have a homogenous middle-high iq group of people who all are about middle class level. Ironically the Nordic countries would be the perfect candidates, but only the Swiss are heading in that direction

Commit to wearing the hat, or take it off.

So you follow this guy on YT just to hate him?

Was Posted to cumtown sub

Is that were you fags have been coming from?


When is he marrying the dude from the perfection board game commercial?

Cringe Anarchy.

I hate George Carlin and Bill Hicks for making every 85 I.Q comedian think they have to double as insightful political pundits who "tell it like it is". You're a clown. Be funny.

stuttering muttering prick

who the fuck would ever watch this police sketch of a man

Beany faggot Dave needs to get AIDS

I was trying to give this guy a chance, but this dumb ass really thinks that only presidents have the power to prosecute past presidents.

Nigga really never mentioned the system of Checks and Balances, and didn't bother bringing up the Pentagon Papers.

He should really look into taking history 101 at Essex Community college like Norton, maybe then I'd listen to him pontificate.