IMAGINE: You're a college-aged (perhaps older than that!) intern for a nationally syndicated radio show, and THIS MAN begins to bully and attempt to intimidate you into performing embarrassing and often lewd in nature tasks for the sake of his own sick pleasure.

64  2018-06-04 by SpaceCaseBassFace


One open hand slap to either of those clowns and they would flip the victim switch like they didnt ask for it.

I was listening to the simple Mike saga earlier today and it occurred to me just how many interns went through the rigorous hazing process that only existed because Sam was a bully. The fact that not even coke head psychopath oscar ever stood up to Sam makes me wonder why nobody ever did. The fact that most of the full time staff on the show were still brutally mocked and ridiculed for what appeared to be subpar pay and mediocre (if any) benefits would be more than enough reason for most people to say "fuck this."

Then again I'm no sissy boned pansy ass college boy so what da Hell do I know about interns anyway huh? Container of coffee and early onset alcoholism in my studio apartment, just like the doctor ordered.

I went through it and I went to college with Sam. There were three kinds of interns: 1. Superfans like myself, Bon Giovi, Craig, and Pat Duffy, 2. Kids looking to get into broadcasting, they’re not fans of the show, but looking for a start and O and A at the time were high profile. 3. Many times they will explicitly look for people who are a bit off just to fuck with them like David or Stevie.

Steve C would sit you down and basically go through everything with the interns warning them that there is hazing. Most of the producers liked me, I’d occasionally get fucked with, but Sam is responsible for a majority of the abuse that would go on with interns including several times I he said he “wanted to thrash me” or “wanted to hit me with a chair”. Of course now I can never run for political office.

To answer your question, Sam hides behind body guards like Po or Kenny, the allure of working for the show or company and the general atmosphere of everyman for himself. If you recall Sam got into something with Duffy and the second Pat showed some teeth , Sam backed down. He would wanted me to come back on or call into the show just to rub it in my face that I wasn’t working in radio. I went through a horrible break up and he rubbed it in my face. He’s a horrible person and a terrible excuse for a human being. He deserves far worse abuse than what this sub gives him.

call sam a faggot here and youll attain god status. go head, let loose.

he said he “wanted to thrash me” or “wanted to hit me with a chair”

Jesus. Sam is that wrestling kid, except he never matured. Was he sneering, drooling or biting his tongue while saying that?

No he’d say that matter of factly, that I had it coming of course. He’s right though because I ended up sticking around for special delivery with sam and Dave. I deserve to be hit in the head for being an idiot and putting up with all that bullshit.

Were you the guy who drove the Daveman?

I disagree, he deserves to be hit for that.

He’s right, I did. It might have knocked some sense into me and I would have jumped ship a lot sooner. I held out hope that something good (a job) would come of it to the point. Radio isn’t a tough business to get into, it’s a shitty one, filled pencil pushers and inept morons who have no clue what they are doing ( they mostly work at Sirius now).

You are right about the battered wife thing. I’ve heard stories from other interns going home and crying or punching their car windows out because they were so angry.

Sam is going to snap and pull a Chris Benoit on his family someday. Jimmy will do a tearful tribute show.

He will try, his wife will put him down within 10 secs

  • Does Sam realize that he is untalented, looks like Rocky Dennis, has a terrible voice and is not intelligent?
  • Or, is he so delusional that he truly believes he's great?
  • Why does the worthless Travis reinforce Sam's delusions?


I’d go with B.... Hyper inflated egos are typically the most insecure people, at least in my dealings with them.

Travis is a good dude, he’s also most likely getting paid six figures to a job most of us would do.

comeon dude you have zero career prospects. call sam a nigger here. youre letting a lot of people down.

Zero career prospects? Who do I look like Gregg Hughes?

what a fucking lamda. you deserved whatever you got at sirius xm.

When you have an environment where everyone from the top down is a beta pussy trying hard to show off how tough he is, whoever fakes it best wins.

I don’t believe in karma or god, but the fact that Sam, Opie, Ant, and Norton bullied people who actually worked hard for them for so long and now all four of them have legacies of being sad pathetic losers really makes it feel like there’s something right with the world.

I really hope you are the real Cream Pie Jones.

Have I said anything to fake it?

Travis or Sam once called me and asked me to put me on the air because they were “Catching up” with former people associated with the show. I told them on air I basically had been black balled from Sirius ( I still have the email from Rob Cross where he told me that Human Resources were just passing me over and I should go fuck myself). I applied for almost 50 jobs there and never once got a call or an interview.


I think you sound legit, and it would be great to have someone like yourself commenting - there have just been a lot of fakers.

Welcome aboard!!!

Thanks, you guys have made me laugh harder than I have in years.

Thank you for your service.

Thank you!

Please do an AMA if you want to ruin your life and entertain the awful people here.

I’m just here for the lolz.... and shitting on Opie.

He'll get what's coming to him. He has literally no value in the entertainment industry besides being a part of the skeleton of a once successful thing that is rotting away. He will be the equivalent of a housewife and it will hit him even worse that he bizarelly ended up in a position to laugh at other people his whole life. He isnt funny or talented.

We’ll see, I’m sure he’s kissed the right asses in his time there, probably has done a tremendous amount of networking too. If the radio gig doesn’t work out, he’ll go work for Vince.

Just keep in mind, Sirius fired Anthony for Tweeting and kept Travis on despite physically assaulting a handicapped intern. HR and upper management has to know about the abuses over the years and has done nothing to correct it, which makes them criminally negligent.

werent you the guy who held jim nortons shit in his bare hand? why dont you comment more on here, bro? even danny went through a few rounds of being liked

I’m no where near as funny or creative as the rest of this sub. That 100% Italian is fucking hysterical.

In a world without human resources departments Sam would've been beaten to death on-air years ago.


His name is Fred right?

Yes, Fred Robard. He's got a show on Sirius with Jim Norton.


He still does that? The few times I heard him drone after 2014, he put on a tone that suggested he grew out of it: thoughtful, serious, understanding - maybe even woke.

He has such a great big PUNCHABLE face.


Id beat the breaks off the simian kid

Let's get him fired

Sirius does not give a single fuck if their talent us entertaining or not, just that they don't trigger the PC police

I dont think they hire any interns with balls for this very reason


I'm so used to seeing the shops of Sam that I thought he'd had plastic surgery in this photo.

they're not syndicated

He should grow facial hair.

The'yre NotHuman


If only the interns knew they could bribe their way out of it with chicken fingies and Hulk Hogan karate chop action figures...

I know girls who can fix a flat tire. This man called 911.

He is Opie's true progeny.

Imagine looking like that

I’d break all his wwf toys and cuck him

This retard pretending to be some kind of evil genius puppet master of shenanigans with the interns was one of the cringiest O and A bits ever.

Fucking ape.

Ah shit now I’m gonna get fired from my unemployment.