"That's the beauty of the podcast."

29  2018-06-04 by kaseius1

Has Opie dropped that line yet?


I wouldn't know, I don't listen to that trash.

That podcast that trashed him said they'll be talking about him next week. Until then I will hear nothing from him.

That was the only way I could hear Shit-Tits garbage jackoff show. Its 2 fucking hours.

But the kids that tore opie's ass apart were entertaining - the 27yr old kid actually did an excellent job at pointing out how bad of broadcaster & entertainer Opie is.

he's too busy talking about young 'tasties'

Sherrod should stop shortening it from "Tasty-Cakes". That's the primary diet of the self-loathing pigs that throw St. Bernard tongue a bone.

I've never listened to the show, but the guy who did a podcast episode shitting on it played some clips. In one of them, Tim Sabien showed up at the bar they were broadcasting from, and he basically said it, touting how cool it was to do a podcast out in the world, and not cooped up in some stuffy studio.

Tits' next podcast episode was done from a studio. I don't know how stuffy it was, tho.

Never once have I cared where a show I was listening to was broadcasting from.

The fact that Opie treats this as his main selling point proves how little he has to offer in the way of content.

I know women who are funnier and more interesting than Opie..... WOMEN!!