Intern Anthony Holds All the Power

58  2018-06-04 by 867-5309-

The most powerful person on the Jim Norton and Opie Roberts Show is the one they call "shitloaf." Unfortunately he doesn't know it.

Anthony is a victim of severe bullying by his boss: Sam Roberts. Not only has Sam fostered and encouraged a hostile work environment, he has consistently excluded Anthony from various events and worked hard to humiliate him both on and off the air. Additionally, Sam has assisted Anthony's subordinate (pathological liar Rob) in constantly undermining and disrespecting Anthony.

If Anthony were to file a complaint with human resources at Sirius, Sam would be fired faster than Opie. In the current environment there is zero tolerance for Sam Roberts actions.

If Anthony wants a better work environment, a raise and to be the hero of all the listeners, all he has to do is file a complaint against Sam Roberts with human resources.


I support this. Also, Anthony is a full time employee.

And Rob is the PT employee who hates Anthony because Anthony is a lazy dumbass.

I could see Intern Anthony cohost with Jim or fill in Nick Dipaolo's old spot with his own show.

He should not be mistreated by jealous Sam Roberts like that, who has proven himself to be worse than Opie already.

Machiavellian liar Rob is disgustingly jealous of Anthony because he is funny and has a full time position. Sam also hates him because of his humor, and Troy doesn’t like him because he dressed up as Troy for Halloween. This guy has so much power over then and he doesn’t even know. I think this sub has gotta reach out to him.

I can't believe anybody listens to this garbage.

Is Anthony the one that loses every paycheck to online sportsbooks? If so, he is a good egg.

Yeah, that's him. I hope he spits in Jim and Sam's food.


I'm pretty sure when they sign the papers it states that they will be made fun of or something like that. I remember them bringing it up when talking about interns joining.

In a room full of bullys its gonna get taken too far eventually (if it hasnt already behind the scenes)

someone should write him a good HR letter and message it to him, just in case

Probably, but unlike Jim, O&A, Ron, etc...Sam is a SxM employee and not contracted talent. Sam mentioned this in air in passing a few weeks back, and Jim made him repeat it hit him. Not that Sam couldn't get laid off, but s I think he realized for the first time that Sam's job falls under different labor laws rather than a simple non-renewal of contract.


Him making fun of Troy was fantastic. If only he doubled down and stood up to him, "are you sure you want to go down this road?" This implies a physical beating might occur, which he had been suspended or whatever for in the past.

Anthony, finish the job. In no way Troy should have a mic on a "comedy" show if he can't take a tame joke, and threaten you. Shit dude you cut audio, you have all the cards.

It was enraging when he couldn't take the joke and went all Lorne Malvo on him

Troy is quite possibly the biggest girl I’ve ever seen. I wish he had fallen off the mountain instead of his girlfriend.

why do you still listen? just stare at a white wall, it will be more entertaining.

Is this the Jim and Fred show I've been hearing about?

And you know he reads this sub. They all do.

Anthony is a full time employee you moron.

I don't listen to episodes that involve their dumb ass interns being boring for an hour.

So, you want everyone to be nice to each other on the show? Fuckin faggot.

Link us to where we can all report his vile actions.

Sam learned all of it from Opie.

You could have filled in any names and I wouldn't know the difference. I have free Sirius and wouldn't waste my time listening. Also I thought his name was Rodgers and Jim Morton?

And Rob is the PT employee who hates Anthony because Anthony is a lazy dumbass.