If Sue Lightning kills himself because of this sub, that's kinda really Anthony's fault because of the guilt by association™

49  2018-06-04 by PsychopathyRed

that is how it works, right?


Don’t most of those things kill themselves? If they don’t, they should.

Yes and you're right

Woah there. Sue is a lovely young fella. A real top bloke. Nice try with the hate though, have a good one.

45%, even by the ones that pass like Sue.

Sue's a good egg, no need to kill himself.

Herself...you bigoted fuck.

I feel bad for questioning Sue’s femininity. I know, I’m a remorseful fag, but I hope she finds her comfort spot in society.

She's a wonderful man lady

what kind of bullshit is this, no one on the sub is harassing Sue, and we have no reason to

In all seriousness can we get her on opie radio?

I say go with your guy, man. If you keep thinking about killing yourself, you probably should just get it out of the way so you won't think about it anymore. It's the best way to get past that thought.

Judging by her twitter I think she is fine. Anthony on the other hand...

No one is mean to Sue, she's a lovely gal. We only make fun of Tranpa over it because he's so ashamed and denies it.

I wish Sue nothing but the best. Not even in the Opie sense, either. I have genuine positivity towards her.

I'd allow Sue to purchase a cake I made. But don't make cakes. Don't care for it much.

I love Sue, fuck you

Sue is an ok guy. I mean he's mentally ill but otherwise pretty ok.