Just packed up everything I could grab and left my cunt of a girlfriend.

50  2018-06-04 by chikinbizkit

Women really are the worst. Lets discuss.


make sure to get rid of the body

lye and bleach and time, folks, it's really not as hard as it's made out to be

Never, ever deal with a girl who describes herself as 'bipolar'. If you're ever on the phone with one of these people and they threaten to kill themselves, hang up and call the police to go save them and then hope you never have to talk to them again.

I agreed until you suggested calling the police to save them

If you don't call the cops on them they will call them on you eventually and nobody wants to deal with that.

You have to. You don't want evidence that a poor innocent girl threatened suicide and you did nothing.

The chick I'm talking to now called me 28 times last night cause she wanted me to get her an uber. I was trying to sleep as it was a work night. Of course she has nothing to do today. So I finally answer and she's drunk and being a bitch. I get her the uber and the guy arrives and of course she takes to long to come out and the guy cancels the trip. Then I get an angry phone call from her yelling at me cause she took to long and now it's my fault that she's standing in the rain. Truly an enchantress this one is.

Reminder: never use your real name or address when dealing with these titted pieces of shit

Yup. When a girl tells you she is crazy, she is crazy. Took me way too fucking long to figure that out.

Same. I also learned that borderline personality disorder is frightening.

BP is fun to fuck though.

Yes, once, or every once in a while. Then you just kind of ease your way out of there and don't stay for the crazy.

Currently chatting up a nice gal with BPD. Tips?

Back away slowly, then make a run for it

Be nice. Be polite. Break it off. I spent far too long in that mess.

BPD has a huge spectrum and is very treatable. If they're painting with their own feces, having outbursts and stillcutting themselves, run, run far away.

If they're taking care of themselves (therapy, medicine, excercise, etc) and they're young, go for it. Chances are they just had a shitty parent and it stifled they're development.

Pros are really good sex and a really loyal companion. Cons are the shitty parents and unexplainable self hatred.

If anyone wants a "howto" on how to have a BPD mistress, I'd love to write it. Been fucking the same BPD for ten years now. They're a handful to deal with, but they stick around forever, because they're terrified of being alone and they constantly push away everyone in their lives.

Borderline is some real shit, it's similar to NPD/ASPD (ASPD is sociopathy/psychopathy for you dunces). I think a lot of people here are getting bipolar & borderline mixed up. A girl with bipolar might threaten to kill herself, sure... But a girl with borderline pulled a knife on me in my own house because I was being a jerk to her. They are kind of similar but only to a small degree. Borderline is x10 worse than bipolar imo. Borderlines are seriously dangerous, bipolar folks are often overly dramatic; and only dangerous during particularly bad manic episodes.

My ex with BPD and I got into some sort of minor argument in her car and she proceeded to just gun it on the highway, doing close to 100, not paying attention until I agreed and apologized just to save my life. Everything was unpredictable. One time her car was leaking coolant after an oil change, and I knew enough to at least look and see if a hose had gotten knocked loose, which is what happened. I was looking at it in front of her parents house and asked for a flashlight before I jacked the car up. She said "No!" I said "I just need a flash light. Could you get me one?" "NO!" And she stalked off into the house. Her mom came out and asked what happened that her daughter was so mad. I explained what happened, fixed her car, and drove home. That turned into a 2 hour shouting match. There was no logic to anything.

Holy shit this gave me horrible flashbacks, nice to know there's someone else who experienced this shit. It's impossible to explain how insane they are

I was young and very naive about relationships in general. I didn't get it. She alienated everyone in her life. My friends' girlfriends would try to include her in lunch, clothes shopping, getting their nails done etc. and she burned those bridges in a hurry just being hurtful to people. And she had a total lack of insight or remorse.

I've mentioned that I had a "man whore" phase for about a decade. That phase was triggered by dating a borderline. That girl REALLY soured me on women in general.

Dealing with a BPD basically got me to the point in life where I was like "women sabotage their own happiness and drag me down into their misery."

For a solid ten years I fucked everything in sight and I never let a woman in my home for more than a weekend.

But here's the punchline: I kinda figured out how to cope with BPDs and now they're kinda my only friends.

My wife is my best friend, she basically convinced me that there are a few good ones left. Both our families immigrated here from the same country, and I think that helps.

Good luck to you. Some people do seem to manage well, but it seems to be few and far between.

All women are a little bit bipolar, so if you find one that admits it, you know she is really batshit.

What did she look like, 'pics or it didn't happen.'

I can PM you some tit pics from her if you need it you fucking incel

No matter what she looked like, the events leading to your Amityville-style midnight escape weren’t worth the trouble. Except as a learning experience.

why is incel the major shame now? cant a nigga just want to see some tits to go w the story. wtf. if u told a story about a car some car faggot might want to see the car. well we are tit faggota, sir.

Did that bitch even have a penis?

Am I the only one that gets a bit of joy wgen I go to the store and see those dumb crossdressing broads that want to be men having to buy tampons.

You try to act like a dude because you think it makes you look like you don't take any shit but, you get a reality check every month reminding you that you're still an incontinent monstrosity.

This should be a meme.

Do you just hang around by the tampons?

No, but I do stop by the register once every visit where other shoppers tend to congregate to pay for their purchases.

So at least we know you're not Amy Schumer.

Fair enough. I guess I'm just not looking hard enough.

You didn't bite her on your way out did ya?

What didja cut your hand off or sumthin tsss tss


Dishes left too long yeah?

post pics of your cock

Bump. Still waiting for them juicy pics.

I am done. This was my last attempt at giving women a chance and she just yelled at me for breathing too loud. I dnt give a fuck if you have pms, thats fucking insanity. Im going to break up with her and become a hermit.

Hermit for a while and then find someone else.

Breathe outta your god damn mouth

Good. Leave her behind

And leave her cootah, too. dvv dvv.

post her nudes, otherwise fuck yourself

Good on you. I just did the same as well yesterday.

Don't leave us hanging, dish away...

She is a spoiled cunt who I should never have gotten involved with. She finally fucked with me enough that I said "bye" to and moved out the weekend the rent/bills were due.

Don't like it? Maybe think about that the next time you fuck with someone.

Don’t mess with this guy, he’s a psycho.


When you find out she was taking money for bills and buying pills to smoke, maybe you would understand where I am coming from.

I've been trying to do this the past three nights. I accidentally Instagram live our arguments I feel like a total asshole. Woman wreck anything you own or call up your friends and tell him how much of a piece of crap you are. They do everything besides leave the situation.

Dealing with women on any level whether in a sexual relationship, work related, or just someone in the street is dealing with mental illness in action. Our forefathers understood this and treated women accordingly. Unfortunately in our postmodern times we have opened the insane asylum doors and the patients are running amok.

t. >150 IQ incel

Is that you Billy Burr?

You pathetic sad bastard. The only friends you can turn to is this sub. JESUS. As bad as Ant.

You said it, man.

Nice work...find someone better.

Really sucks that crazy girls are the best in bed. A gift and a curse.

That's what Dahmer was going for with the drilling and all

I’m considering leaving my set of holes as well. Whoever said that women are more mature than men clearly never lived with a woman. Sure, guys may laugh at farts and punch each other for fun, but I’ve never met a straight adult man who genuinely enjoys Disney movies and cries when he doesn’t get his way.

My ex-wife and I got divorced over money. She wanted to live nigger rich and I wanted to be responsible. I recently moved down South for a higher paying job and a lower cost of living and hooked up with a young, trashy country girl who's extremely grateful for just having a free place to stay and a boyfriend who takes her out to eat and fills her car up with gas. I'd marry her if I wasn't so afraid of her turning into a cunt once she gets a ring on her finger.

Holy fuck YES. This is me to a tee. Good luck

Holy fuck YES. This is me to a tee. Good luck