How comes Colin’s never done JRE?

0  2018-06-04 by NetherMoore

Is there a burnt bridge between the two? Rogan was on tough crowd, was he a case of didn’t perform like he should so Colin didn’t have him on often or even twice?


I could see Colin busting his balls and Joe not taking it well. I'm just gonna go ahead and believe this is the case.

Joe can take a joke. What the fuck is wrong with you people? He runs, arguably, the largest comedic podcast that ever existed.

Didn't he shut down rogan watch?

I think there’s some resentment from Colin towards him though. 20 years ago Joes a guest one of many, today like you say he’s like the head of an empire. Colin’s trying to make Art, Joes showing off the museum of trinkets like a 500 year old samurai sword gifted from a friend he’s in business selling placebo pills with.

Do you know what a double-blind placebo controlled study is, motherfucker? How about a money back guarantee?

It hasn't been a comedy podcast in a couple years now, Joe keeps the vibe very dry and unfunny, ever since Redban left the show hasn't been a comedy podcast.

Joe thinks years of dick jokes has put him above dick jokes like every older comic bar a few

Watching Col do Steven Colbert’s show made me pissed, Steven was a real smug cunt with a “ look who’s living the good life now” attitude. If Colin would do that show with that pompous self righteous prick I don’t know why he wouldn’t do Joes even just to get a plug in.

The 50 year age gap

It’s not a Cumia relationship.

I'd love to know what hilarious names he has for Brogan.

Colin hangs out with Seinfeld and Attell. What exactly does Rogan have to offer him? Vos has done Rogan; has it in anyway helped him? Him and Bonnie have a quarter of the Patreon support that Kevin Brennan has.

It probably has helped Vos in that hundreds of thousands of people knew about him after when they didn’t before.

In the case of Colin and what’s happened more and more recently with stuff like Roseanne, I’d say it would be a great time for Colin to plug his book and do a few hours of talk on the racial diversity and authenticity of early New York and some of those stories.

Joe is massive faggot

As far as i know colin is a recluse and doesnt like doing podcasts (probably not radio anymore either)

I just think Colin is rarely in LA. I’m sure there is no beef.

I think this too. I seldom hear of Colin being on the West Coast.

Would be interesting for Rogan to do a East Coast week. I wonder if he'd get any surprises.

There was a weird exchange about Colin during one of Attell’s appearances on Rogan. Attell seemed to be trying to get Colin on. Rogan acted like he was interested but then claimed he was all booked up when Colin was in town. Then Rogan started kind of shitting on Tough Crowd, saying that the unaired warmups were way more hilarious than the structured televised segments.

Anytime you can get Dave Smith on three times but never get Colin or Bobby on, you gotta do it.

I'm not sure Joe gets Colin's sense of humor. Someone read and explained Colin's Twitter account to him a while ago and he didn't get it.

For a comic, Joe is really really bad at rolling with subtle/sarcastic humor. I feel like sarcastic remarks go over his head a lot. When one of his guests (especially when the guest isn’t a comedian) makes a sarcastic throw-away type of remark, Joe will come back with a clarifying question rather than just rolling with it.

I feel like that’s why he loves comics like Diaz and Kreischer. Nothing against those guys, but there humor is very obvious and in your face. The subtle shit just kinda goes over Joes head a lot of times.

I was wondering that recently too, I would love to hear Colin on there.

Joe can take a joke. What the fuck is wrong with you people? He runs, arguably, the largest comedic podcast that ever existed.

Watching Col do Steven Colbert’s show made me pissed, Steven was a real smug cunt with a “ look who’s living the good life now” attitude. If Colin would do that show with that pompous self righteous prick I don’t know why he wouldn’t do Joes even just to get a plug in.

It’s not a Cumia relationship.

I think this too. I seldom hear of Colin being on the West Coast.

Would be interesting for Rogan to do a East Coast week. I wonder if he'd get any surprises.