Just rewatched the Colin Vs Ronnie B clip..

11  2018-06-03 by RBuddCumia

The most embarrassing part really wasn’t Ant being completely shut down when two men argued. The worse, most embarrassing part was how Ant tried so hard to sound like the the gay, guinea Ben Shapiro.

Everything Ant is now is on that clip.


The most embarrassing part is that you refered to that pretender as Colin, as if we don't already have a much better Colin that takes precidence. WHO TAUGHT YOU TO DO YOUR POST? YOU PANSY

I forgot how to spell his gay last name and I was to lazy to look it back up.

U didn't even post the link. This was just a sloppy post from top to bottom.

I have to agree. This post doesn't have legs to go the distance. His game has to be stepped up or he's never going to compete for karma at a high level. 1/5 would not upvote.

I guess be forgot to Anth