Luis J Gomez has a more successful podcast network than Anthony Cumi

122  2018-06-03 by DamonTyler

he used to be employed by Ant, left after a minor pay dispute, now dwarfs him in popularity and content.

A man who everyone mocks for being a functional retard yet he still has a more successful empire than Nana, and is even poaching shows


Well maybe if Anthony worked more than 2 hours a day this wouldn't be true. That aside there is a ceiling for what anthony can accomplish. He's just too damaged at this point.

He's still hilarious though

Ive heard rumblings to the contrary

Real Ass Dudes don't chill out alone, drunk off Bud Light, saying nigger while simultaneously typing it, 22 hours per day.

No they chill out with their friends smoking bud and saying nigger while simultaneously recording it to 15 different podcasts

For some reason, I envision Anthony as a very slow typist. Even with that word.


He begged to have Keiths job and run the network. Now three years later there's pretty much nothing left of the Cumia network while Luis runs one of the only succesful podcast networks out there.

I can't wait to see where this goes when Luis decided to get his concealed carry permit.

A spic getting a permit for his guns. Yeah ok

With time, any dumb spic with an half-decent work ethic can supplant a drunk old tunisian podcast mogul.

Land of opportunity indeed.

Did you mean drunk old tunisian podcast ghoul?

No. He meant a mo-ghoul.

Only in America.

I don't think Luis left over a minor pay dispute. Luis has said that he had planned to start his network for a long time. I think LOS made an offer that Cumia's network would almost never agree to, because they wanted to leave. And would only stay if Cumia would agree to a huge contract. Which was more money, and only 1 show per week.

then they took off with all the LOS archive shows overnight, that keith character was dumb enough not to demand the right to those content

I heard they wanted an extra $100 a month, and Keith said no.

granted I get all my news from this sub, so it's probably incorrect

Luis has said several times that they couldn't come to a agreement on getting paid more, however it worked out for their contract and per person. It was definitely money, "dispute" might be pushing it.

It's simply a desire to grow something and create a legacy. Ant is a spoiled asshole who knows his best years are behind him. So he's depressed. The Puerto Rican Rattlesnake has his best years ahead...

He's a real ass dude!

Luis is like Anthony when he got discovered by Opie -- willing to work. He puts a little too much faith in his girlfriend's comedic talents, but the dude can actually set goals and fucking do them. When he eventually settles into running a comedy club and cheating middle acts out of their money, I'll happily buy a ticket.

They are doing a medium sized comedy festival every year now, that's pretty big as well.

I don't know if Ant was ever really "willing" to work. He was always just the paycheck kid and never displayed any entrepreneurial drive

The whole story of O&A is one of fantastic luck by three total failures.

Ant brags about working 2 hrs a day on twitter. That’s not happening with an annoying go-getter like Luis. He’d make Ant do bits and travel and live shows and all this other nonsense that’s just a lot of work.

Keith will also suck Ant's cock.

Luis was willing to match Keith on that regard.

In what way is it successful? They have no shows worth listening to that I know of.

Luis Gomez blows homeless men for bus change



You and a few buddies recording stuff on phones and uploading it would seem to be a more successful podcast network. Not operating on a loss.

Could it be that Cumia is a drunken idiot?

The whole story of O&A is one of fantastic luck by three total failures.