"Im not even bein rude, but I cant deal with TyShawn having two damn kids on the way and Im not even his girlfriend yet"

13  2018-06-03 by sanfrancisco69er

Just overheard a person of color say that outside of a Friendly's...what the heck


what flavor Fribble did you have?

I always thought fribbles were only strawberry

The fuck is a fribble

They only exist at friendlys, its a dumb name for a milkshake.

Up your ice cream game, nigga

Go to Baskin Robbins or Cold Stone. The fellow customers are more polite and the ice cream is a lot better. Or go to Carvel and get some Cookie Puss and make Chip jokes for an hour till no one wants to be near you.

My man just wanted a Fribble, that's all.

Friendly's on a saturday evening? Really must be a stunner you are wooing.

I used to work there. First of the month, it was always packed