Patrice talked about how excited he was for Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes. Here's his reaction when he finally saw the film.

97  2018-06-03 by BoboOrbani55


Here's part 2 from when people started giving him shit on Twitter:

Seeing Patrice use “lmao” on twitter is very surreal

he was annoyed that white people were more concerned about the fictional apes than real oppression.

We like animals more than black people, even if they're fictional

And for good reason in most cases, at least animals don't completely sap welfare benefits.

I've yet to see a bear mugging someone

or impregnating a white woman

You rape a pillage a whoal planet..then shrug ur shoulders and look around like u didnt..cowards..the whoal lot of you

Every. Single. One of those tweets is hilarious.

"I slipped on white people tears on the way out."

Patrice was the fucking best.

he sounds like any other clueless twitter faggot

Bye cocksucker

They truly aren't.

Absolute fucking garbage. Patrice had tons of golden moments but this shit fucking stinks and you faggots seriously need to hop off his fucking dick for a second.

Black Jesus RIP

All I want is to hear his reaction about what has happened to the Opie and Anthony Show. Goddamnit.

Ant's a sissy!!!!!!!!

Man what’s going on with Opie? Those two niggas just need to get back together.

From 4chan:


You're not vanguards, motherfuckers, you're a fuckin' duo! It's called brand! It's call identifiability, motherfucker, what you doing! Stop trying to be revolutionary "oh, I'm gonna do a podcast in my basement, hoodily doodily!" Get back together and shove some wiffle ball bats up teenager's assholes, you fuckin' finished old men, do some ol' crazy shit! Or else you're done! THAT'S WHY WE LOVE YOU TWO PIECES OF SHIT!

He would completely destroy these BLM and feminist faggots these days. He was 14 years old

No way. Patrice would be hated here just like everyone else. Downvote me all you want. If I told you in 2011 what pussies Louie CK, Bill Burr, Norton, and a host of others had become by 2018 you would have downvoted that shit too.

Let me have my fantasy u faggot

I don’t think so. Didn’t Patrice have a history of NOT being a pussy and always going against the grain? Like forever lol. I mean it’s why he was never truly famous. He could have been a superstar if he played ball.

Louis and Burr you could always tell had an inner faggot, Louis surprised me more, and it was a shame but it was there. I obviously cant say what Patrice would have said about anything but I dont think hed be a hatable level faggot

Would you have imagined Anthony would be the hateable ladyboy pecker sucking faggot he is today? I remember Patrice and Norton stories of trips to Brazilian whorehouses, look at fag Norton now. For all we know Patrice might be running around with Asian twinks at this point.

Anthony's firing put him in the tailspin into loserdom, he was dependant on his spot at Sirius.

Patrice was successful on his own accord, he may have ran into trouble after achieving some more success, for the most part I personally like to think its possible he wouldnt have gone the way of all the others. But there is no way to know anyway

He would have definitely voted for Hillary.

Feminism absolutely, BLM not so much.

If BLM means trayvon, mike brown, and colin kapernick, then fuck no.

Patrice somehow liked alex jones, you think he wouldnt be aware of that cheesy horseshit? Honestly, youre dreaming. Hed be called a house nigga til 2030 so long as he was aware of the truth


Patrice was skeptical of prevailing wisdom and displayed credulity towards internet rumor. He would go on the show with some stupid conspiracy and they’d talk him down from it and he would usually laugh it off like he never really gave a fuck.

At the time Patrice died, Alex was still a conspiracy guy who would only endorse politicians without a prayer like Ron Paul. I don’t think Patrice would’ve made appearances with Joy Reid, but I don’t think he would’ve been wearing a fucking MAGA hat either.

Patrice would be doing a once every few months podcast with Tariq Nasheed if he was still alive.

Retarded ramblings of a dead nigger. Thanks for sharing.

Patrice was less than a God, but more than a man

Go sit on a tack

Is the sub turning on Patrice?

He’s black, so I’m surprised it took this long.

Patrice seems like someone who would not have given Twitter the time of day. This is beneath him.

Agreed until you realized he was a lonely lazy ass that liked to have his opinion be heard. Twitter was perfect for him.

He tweeted from time to time, but certainly wasn't obsessed with it like tits 'n the pedo.

fewer pixels please

“We never took over one fucking bridge in history” 😂

To be fair, they got close with the Edmund Pettus bridge.

Andy Circus

I'm fucking glad he died slowly and miserably

"I'm reading some of the shit I wrote and it looks like a chimp wrote it"

I'm so glad Patrice is dead.

Everyone cherishes his memory because we didn't get to see a lot of him on Twitter. Twitter would have ruined him too. He'd be jockeying for RTs by debasing his wisdom and legacy.

tl;dr - Twitter is cancer.

I wish he got to saw the other two

Me too. And Dark Knight Rises.

it makes no sense until you read it in his voice and then it's great

Man, maybe his death isn't that sad after all.

Patrice was a real ass nigga.

You guys just fucking love anything from Patrice because he's dead. Dude was funnier than he'll most times but this is all fucking garbage. Stop being such nostalgic faggots.

Avatar for niggas is hilarious

I’m going to read these tweets to my family at thanksgiving dinner.

It's be nice to back and read some of his tweets but they've all been buried beneath years of Von shamelessly promoting herself on his twitter which is "kept in honor of the late Patrice O'Neal".

All his tweets are still available.


But my concern is that -if he stayed alive and on Twitter- he may not have become an SJW, but he definitely would’ve become a BLM fag. Which I cannot tolerate from him, under any circumstance.

Andy Circus

patrice needs to be cloned

That line is just a dumb nigger not knowing how to spell and you're acting like he's a genius. Jesus fucking Christ this sub is pathetic when it comes to him.

sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave

Shut up you fucking wetback spic

Suck his dead black dick some more you pathetic fucking faggot.

I hope you get deported and a cartel opens your throat with a machete. But who am I kidding, Mexicans don't have necks. Just boxy torso and head. Egh.

Stop trying so hard.

I'm irritated

It's funny, but he really meant that.

Twitter a shit

I found a place where you can read all Patrice O'Neal tweets with ease.

Bigmommaprods always sounded stupid as fuck

I like that it bothered Patrice that white people get the credit for ending slavery. I still say, that was one of our best bits.

Pseudo-Nigga Monkey Uprising is my favorite Parliament album.

No way. Patrice would be hated here just like everyone else. Downvote me all you want. If I told you in 2011 what pussies Louie CK, Bill Burr, Norton, and a host of others had become by 2018 you would have downvoted that shit too.

Feminism absolutely, BLM not so much.

Patrice would be doing a once every few months podcast with Tariq Nasheed if he was still alive.

Suck his dead black dick some more you pathetic fucking faggot.