Reminder: I am in love with /u/Bams_seed.

0  2018-06-03 by BoboOrbani55

We'd be so good together, babe. I'd even let you fuck your own species whenever you want as long as you'd be willing to slap me and call me racial slurs when we occasionally make tender love. Also I make 60K a year as an accountant.


Bitch made nigga, get no respect

Faaaaawk yeeeeeaaaahh! Shoot credits all ova hur genural ledjur n' shiznit.

tssss tsss we'd do it with SPREADSHEETS or sumpting.

ya hurrd whut I saaid?

Fawk yeah, spead them sheetz gurl! Sorry they're a low thread count tho; I only make $60k.

you sound like a fucking problem man

Shooters shoot.



I'm only in love with her pussy pictures.

I am rooting for you two crazy kids 😍
