I'm Dan Smith, famous comedian & podcast man. I love half of the bible, being gay, and being pegged by chins the size of a canoe. I'm also really into politics but I'm neither republican nor democrat - I'm actually a librarian...AMA!

102  2018-06-02 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Why do you smuggle cum in your butt?

There's only so much room in my stupid gay stomach.

As a libertarian what are your thoughts on fucking children?

Do wet dreams count as a thought?

Did you not read? He’s a librarian. Not a libertarian.

Why can't you make your eyes focus on the same object at once

I can but only when it's a dark brown penis so obviously my eyes are usually closed when one of those is there because I'm busy passionately slathering it with my Christ-murdering spittle.

If you've ever dealt with a chin like that... you'd know.

Like looking at the sun and the moon at the same time

As a staunch librarian, how do you feel about late fees or fines for damaged books? Are they legit, or are they akin to putting people in a cage, maaan.

Finally a serious question.

Long answer: it depends on whether the government is involved in handing out the fines.

Short answer: My anus is a group home for gay teenagers.

Punitive fines are ok.

Has a warlock cursed you and took your voice? How come i never hear you talk. Not complaining, jus curious.


It appears that comedian Tom Myers has more hits than you on Spotify. Would it be fair to say that the free market decided he is far funnier than you?

Looks like Dave needs a comedy hit transplant

Maaaaaaaan the fact that you don't grasp NAP make question your librarian leanings. Is Ron Paul Jesus or is he like Mohammed a pillow bitter????

That [turnip headed nigga] tellin it like it is.

Anarchy maaaan. Taxation is theft bro

What the fuck is going on under your nose in this picture, dried boogers/blood or something?

We need ancap, because if my neighbor's sex slaves escapes and is bleeding on my lawn, I can just hit her with the flame thrower without getting government involved.

Dan Smith...BYU

Torque (construction noise) leuith nevada State penitentiary

Dave "I still plug a nine-month old "special"" Smith.

Brought to you by LED college dorm flex lights.

why economy bad?

Isn't that fred Smith?

"Boobs? Nah, I'm more of a moon-chin man myself." - Dave "pile of shit" Smith

i've noticed that you were born with a cleft palate. to what extent was your family burdened by what were likely expensive and frequent surgeries?

Is it too true you jerk off raw to pictures of Ayn Rand?

Does it still bother you that Lauren was more into a character Jim Norton cooked up than you? You were basically the consolation prize since Jim likes "questionables"?