Maybe she’ll go on Jim and Sam.

60  2018-06-01 by RBuddCumia


Brutal on her? What did think was going to happen?

Wow... imagine if John Goodman outlives Roseanne.

tsss that would be good, man.


Fat people always making excuses

Organs fat?

So very close...

Poor millionaire

I hope she finds peace in her mansion

She has plenty of Ambien, so she’s good.

Hope she finds peace, MMMMAAAAAAAAAAAANNNN.

A bong hit? Jeez how high are you?

Rogan dodged a bullet.

Seriously. Some celebrities are wacky from having ass kissers but Roseanne is actually crazy.

It would've looked bad for Joe if she went on there and started ranting about 'niggers & jews'.


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It would finally be a reason to listen to his podcast though, shame.

If he were a few inches taller, that bullet would have landed square between the eyes.

No surprise. She deleted the tweet saying she'd come on and he made no mention of her appearing on the show during the Kevin Smith interview.

He said she would be on today during the first 20 mins of the kevin smith podcasy

Wait what? They talked about Roseanne for like 20 minutes.

She should go on LoS and sit there while Louis screams jewnigger for an hour straight.

Honestly, I'd probably subscribe if that happened.

You should anyway and join the legion of Gomites. It's only a little less gay than proud boys and chip army but enough so you can look down on those retards and make fun of them.

I subscribe to enough things. But I've seen Louis perform in New York and he's a very nice guy. No comedian is worth "following" but I do wish him all the best.


who are you quoting? retard

Being a part of some minor celebrity's army is one of the dumbest things you can be on the internet. If you unironically call yourself a gomite or a Proud Boy you deserve to be shot.

I’m living the Pest life

it’s her fault a whole bunch of people lost their jobs, and she deserves to feel bad

If not for her they'd never had those jobs to begin with. Not going to shed one tear for them.

yea you’re right....fuck ‘em

Everyone of them, besides John Goodman, road her coat tails right back into obscurity for a 2nd time. Right where they belong.

Didn't Ladybird drop before the reboot?

Ladybird was the first good thing she did in 30 years. She’s questionable, but it looks like she actually made an effort and didn’ just wait for Roseanne to lift her up.

Laurie Metcalf is an extremely highly regarded and accomplished stage actress and has been working consistently all this time.

That is something to think about, imagne having to nervously check your bosses twitter everyday.

Don't go to the entertainment industry if you don't want your income to be dependent on the whims of absolute nutjobs. It's inherently transient work. It's also nonessential and I have no sympathy for someone getting paid $5000/week to eat Chex Mix getting the short end of the stick.

Why is she upset... We all know its those filthy Jews and their PC Faggot Leftwing ballwashers who keep down White-y! Rogan could truly help her understand we are all Chimps not just the Blackies. "Jamie pull up the video!"

I dont see the comparison to this and the subjugation of white folk

How can Rogan seem like such a reasonable person on some days and then believe in absolute hooey (pardon my language) on other days.

It’s like, he’s vastly more intelligent than Opie, Ant, Jim, or Sam, but even those four are smart enough to not believe in the ‘stoned ape theory,’ whatever the fuck that is.

Stoned ape theory is an extremely racist Reefer Madness era research paper.

the ‘stoned ape theory,’ whatever the fuck that is.

Early humans were running out of food, so they ate magic mushrooms. That caused them to trip and they started to talk and have orgies and understand each other more intimately. It's a bunch of hooey and was proposed by a huge stoner that was articulate and mystical, so Rogan bought it. Now, though, he seems to be treating it like a good parable. Like people that defend the Bible as analogous and not literal after it becomes clear to them it's bullshit but they still want to be religious.

According to researchers, our brains are more advanced than the brains of apes because of NOTCH2NL, a gene we don't share with apes.

These human-only genes are typically created when bits of DNA accidentally get duplicated. Duplication creates backup copies of existing genes, which are then free to mutate with impunity and take on new roles. In this way, duplication events provide fresh fuel for evolution.

It’s called Jim and Fred.

Penn Jillette you giant aids patient child fucker

It's definitely brutal joe... she had a punchers chance but the opponent was just an animal.

Getting stabbed in the back by those ungrateful actors like her "son" DJ who couldn't act his way out of a wet paper bag and the others must have been a gut punch. If not for her they'd all never had made any real money. Ingrates.

DJ was absolutely terrible on the show. They should have killed him off or wrote him off like they did the youngest kid nobody cared about.

I thought it was funny that the insignificant zero who played Darlene’s daughter tried to quit after Roseanne made her comment, but before Roseanne was fired. That’s a great move! Roseanne was the second highest rated show of the season and still nobody knows or cares who the fuck that girl is!

Oh Great, the liberal Dyke from The View. That sounds excellent!

Who's the liberal dyke from the view?

Sara Gilbert

She wasnt on the view she's the girl from Roseanne you're talking about

This Moxson4 character is a bit off-kilter because he has allergies.

She is/was however on "The Talk" - the even edgier show about women taking on the news of the day and getting applause for being brave.

Someone posted a link about a Roseanne reboot featuring Sara Gilbert. That’s why I mentioned...Sara Gilbert!

Unless you had the unfortunate displeasure of being a fan of Shameless.

Best thing Roseanne can do is jump into that massive volcano she lives close to in Hawai, and hopefully her mass will quieten that shit down. Win win all around, am I right folks!

You're supposed to drop sexy virgins in volcanos to quiet them. Dropping in a Roseanne would cause the volcano gods to smite us all.

Tss tss Roseanne? Why not tulipbetty or sumfin i dunno. Tss tss

I hope Joe can find his car keys on the counter. It's been pretty hard on him since they removed the step stool. He's just going to step up and reach.


It would finally be a reason to listen to his podcast though, shame.

Everyone of them, besides John Goodman, road her coat tails right back into obscurity for a 2nd time. Right where they belong.

So very close...