'Brother' Joe the Jobless wife beater does not get shit on nearly enough.

7  2018-06-01 by Broozie123

Seriously, This fucking mooching piece of shit is a far worse person than Opie, Sam and Jim combined. And he adolescent saliva.


But he's not a pedophile.

...he's never (as far as I'm aware) denied it.

I hate sam more than joe, if just for the fact there is more clips of sam out there. he needs to die.

Joe "Harvesting Spit from a Grade-School Slit" Cumia is shit on constantly.

But you're right, it;s nowhere near what he deserves.

I remember once on a call in he was urging "fans" to vote for him for some faggoty guitarist competition where the prize was a garbage ass Peavey and after he described all the features any $200 entry level guitar would have (a rosewood fretboard wow they really pulled out all the stops) he concludes that its "a pretty good axe" or something equally worthy of his immediate lynching

I believe that was contest sponsored by VW maybe 2006,he also called into R&F with his dumb shit begging for votes

He wears velcro sneakers, a sure sign of a dimwit