Artie gets 4 years of probation and a week of community service

6  2018-06-01 by loscrenshaw

for gobs of heroin. Our judicial system is perfect.


Hahahaha You actually thought consequences aren't just for the little people. Hahahahaha

I think he's getting off easy. Judge probably knows he'll be back in there in no time

Roundabout death sentence by leaving him free. Not as lenient as it seems.

The question: will he live long enough to violate his probation?

4 years till he can do junk again? I’ll take the under

I'd take the Under on the 4 years parlayed with an OD.

I firmly believe that everybody deserves a 79th chance.

The guy was caught with a trafficable quantity of heroin, admitted to using while awaiting sentencing, skipped out on court dates, and at one point snorted drugs live on-stage...

I've left out the time he was busted using drugs in a parking garage somewhere in the middle of all that, haven't I?

So is New Jersey just one big GTA-style DMZ/themepark? Do they enforce any laws at all over there?