Joe Rogan thinks Red State was a good movie

0  2018-06-01 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

He also sells pills on his website and is on the board of directors at 3 ladder companies.


Up until the revised ending, where Kev lost faith in his vision, it was pretty kick ass.

If you can suspend terrible acting, terrible dialog, poor pacing and a predictable plot, I guess it's better than Ishtar.

What's not to like about two fish-out-of-water nightclub performers, in a world they never created?

Got me. LOL

Hoping RLM will redeem it on Re:View ;)

I'm going to watch and compare Red State to Ishtar today and give a full report to all you faggots because I'm gay.

Can't wait til you nail it, my homo bro.

Ishtar wins by a mile. Red State is like a bad weekend TV show.

Our opinions differ, but your commitment is commendable, bruh.

the preacher scene with the kid in the cage was crazy

really sold you on the point this cult was off the rails

the john goodman copout ending was disappointing

Shoulda been the all out apocalypse. Up until then, it was maybe his best work: he moved the camera frequently during scenes fer chrissakes!

i liked that chase scene thru the house, i dunno who he copied it from, but it was intense

Pick any siege movie, really. Well executed, though; he really should have continued pushing himself, rather than receding into that True North lazy nepotism.

that walrus movie made me realize he was losing it

The true horror was Haley Joel Osment's tiny child face trapped in that HGH head.

It is a good film.

It's a pile of basic garbage. You just fall into that demographic. To each their own, but yeah, it was panned for being on the nose and stupid. Which it was. But if that appeals to your simple nature, I'm not here to judge you. Enjoy. I'm sure there's some wet paint you could watch dry when your done here.

Can you criticise anything specific, or is it just that "other people panned it" that you base this on? I haven't even seen the film since it came out so I can't really connect your veiled insults toward me with the film.

I already criticized the specifics in another reply. If you're that horny for it read through them, but yeah, it's a movie for morons. I don't dislike Clerks, Mall Rats or Chasing Amy. All his other movies including sequels aren't good. But Red State is particularly hokey and basic.

Because it is, dipshit.

I'm guessing you're a guy who enjoys a good parade...

It's not THAT bad, but it's bad.

Red State was the closest thing to a real movie Smith has ever done, i thought it was going to be a turning point in his career, but then he follows that up with his 2 worst movies yet.

Still a piece of garbage though. The acting was fucking comical. I get the tone was supposed to be over the top, but it was gay as fuck.

I think this is the only time I've ever agreed with you. Red State was horrible.

You've out trolled my by sniffing my month old shit piles. Bravo you fucking psycho.

I mean I liked it, and I hate Kevin Smith

I'm just saying it was panned by the entire world. You can like whatever you want. Some people pay guys to piss in their mouth and show up to work hopped up on Afrin claiming to be tired. It's a wild world, friendo.

You seem really oddly invested in this. I forgot Red State even existed until now. You doing alright?

So deeply invested. I have guys working 'round the clock. It's frantic here. We just ordered pizzas and brought in cots. It's a motherfucker, but we all do our part. Ammiright you fucking queef?

God damn I miss doing cocaine

I left a gram in your mom's panty drawer last time I was there buttfucking your father.

Were you a gentlemen about it though?

Absolutely not.

Well then this is something I just can’t support

That's fine. You're mother supports my taint while I ass fuck your dad in front of your little sister dressed like Enrique Iglesias.


Good. You're not supposed to like it, fruit.

I'm guessing you're a guy who enjoys a good parade...

God damn I miss doing cocaine

Were you a gentlemen about it though?