Does Sam Roberts Prey on Young Children? He Jerked His Micro Penis to the Spelling Bee last night.

4  2018-06-01 by 867-5309-


He’s such a faggot


He's certainly a skinflint.

Nice fitting suit, faggot

I don’t know what was worse - starting the show off with the spelling bee or then going into a discussion on last night’s Cav’s game in which neither one knew what the hell they were talking about? All Sam knows about sports is that he thinks wrassling is legit. Jimmy - who has the physique of a slug and doesn’t have an athletic bone in his body (unless his Norwegian love is taking him from behind - then he has one bone).

My biggest issue with the spelling bee is that Sam Roberts somehow is able to make every discussion sound less exciting, informative and entertaining than a C-SPAN broadcast of the US Senate Subcommittee on Rural Development and Energy.