Colin Quinn sums it up

23  2018-06-01 by ForceableEntry


I want to live in the 70's...

I want you to live in the 70's, too

Looks like they forgot the PID on Sherrods headphones

"How was it like in -- in like New York back in like seven -- late seventies? Was it --?"

Get your shit together, Tyrone.

Crazy how I didn't even notice that untill you pointed it out. Apparently my brain has taught itself to filter out sherrodds retarded speech imperfections.

It's great that this guy is involved in the radio industry.

More than any of the social media or bug-eyed podcast rants about civilians, Kurt choosing to sit across from Sherrod podcast after podcast while Nick Mullen silently sits in a chair behind him makes me question his sanity.

I thought this was an old clip from maybe opie and jim or somthing at first (b/c the studio). That might explain opie being oblivious and jim not having nick on mic yet. But nope, this is kurt's show, and he actively chose to have the most talent in the room just sit there.

I hadn't seen it so I looked up the whole video on youtube for those interested:

To be fair, Kurt probably wouldn't share his coke, thus discouraging Nick from seeing him as human.

Is Mullen there often? I just skipped the Cumtown/Race Wars crossover ep after 5 mins because of Sherrod.

It's the most youll find of nick, pre-cum. He gets drowned out due to his lack of confidence and the Bobby Kelly school of podcasting: a rotating cast of 22 year old producers with no charisma getting far too comfortable with butting in.

This is the only time I've seen that show without everyone laughing at nothing and talking over each other.

Metzger is drinking water like the son with cerebral palsy from Breaking bad.

How fucking tiny is that bottle? I know he has big troll hands but still...

"The wingless moth and ugly Blake Griffin show" -Colin Quinn, talking about Jim and Sam.

"Coke Metzger" looking wired as usual in the clip.

Colin is holden caulfield grown old.

Thanks Colin. You’ve given us a lot to ponder on there.

It's the most youll find of nick, pre-cum. He gets drowned out due to his lack of confidence and the Bobby Kelly school of podcasting: a rotating cast of 22 year old producers with no charisma getting far too comfortable with butting in.