Penn Jillette “It’s called Jim and Fred, right?”

226  2018-05-31 by JespyZero

On his podcast Penn was saying the last time he saw Rogan was on O&A and that it’s now called “Jim and Fred” and his co-host agreed that’s what it’s called.


As it should be.

I really enjoy how forgettable Sam is. He is just a radio guy, which don’t exist anymore. Jim is on the radio, but also has a completely separate source of income. Bobby Lee not knowing Sam’s name made me so happy.

Sam handled Bobby not knowing his name was exactl how Tits would have responded to it.

its the only stuff sustaining my completely unjustifiable addiction to this dumb sub/site

Sam is like his mentor, in that he is an entertainer who isn't entertaining, and a broadcaster who isn't good at broadcasting.

He is underqualified for anything he does, because he should be selling $2400 boat oars to hipsters. That's all a person who looks like him is capable of.

I bet he'd be bad at that, too.

Penn Jillette dunking from half court. What a boss. I bet he could make Jim's career disappear.

I wish he would

From your lips to Penn's ears.

It's time for the trashman to throw Jim into the garbage, hes a big guy for jim

It wouldn't take much.

It's already halfway to obscurity-ville

Fred Sobberts

Looks like back to obscurity for J&S.

You mean J&F

Welp, add another name to the list of people Sam will hold an impotent grudge against for the rest of his life.

Tss Jim and Fred? Is that because Sam is a caveman lookin cocksucka?

It's the Tim Jorton & Fred Rogers show.

No one likes/cares about sam

Someone needs to isolate that and upload it to youtube so I can tweet it at Sam for the rest of time.

And splice the Bobby Lee thing in too

I think it's Bobby Ree right?

It's Fred Rogers, right?

Make sure you tell Sam that Penn is complimenting him.

The idea that Sam will hear about this and have his feelings hurt makes my dick hard.

Maybe time for you to pay tribute to the tendies gremlin and blow a load on the old iPad screen shot of the last professional broadcaster.

Hearing about his misfortune makes my dick hard.

Looking at his unfortunate face would make it retract into me like a dog.

You let dogs inside you?

You don't?

Hoo hoo tell em' Fred

The best thing about it is hat Penn is such a well meaning guy. Yet he still couldn’t be bothered to remember that nothing’s name.

The fact that penn is not being vindictive and it's only sam's own forgettableness makes this perfect.

I didn’t think he could be anymore like-able.

He’s like Anne from Arrested Development

Except I would fuck her... violently.



Jim Morton and Fred Roberts.

It's Mortmont, stupid.

Its Rodgers

I'm sure Fred is funnier

Fred has actually lived a life.

Hoo-hoo, tell 'em Fred.

I'd much rather listen to that annoying Fred guy from Youtube than Sam.

Given Penn Jillette’s interactions with SelfCuttingGirl and his rapid and steadfast support for Tranfernee, there may be some dark, dark secrets they have in common.

Considering that most magicians are phony-confidence losers, I'd say the pedophilia rate is extremely high. A thousand kids vanish every year.

Magicians love making things vanish. It all adds up


i used to always think penn should cut his ponytail until he did.

Jim and Fred should both take a cue from Teller.

What cue? Teller doesn't speak.

Ignore my last post. I figured out.

How can I ignore it when I already read it and think you're a nincompoop?


Penn’s cohost Matt Donnelly is Sam level entertaining. The guy calls himself an “Improv comic” and yet is not funny nor entertaining. I stopped listening to “Penn’s Sunday School” because of him. He adds nothing, except ball washing Penn.

Penn wouldn't want it any other way.

I don’t know about that. Penn always came off as a “Real ass dude”. I’m surprised he would want that kind of ass kissing around him.

He's got an alpha male personality. A lot of the times I've heard him on a podcast or seen him on TV, he'll have to show everyone he's the smartest person in the room. He'll correct people on pretty minor fact or word choice, even if he's wrong.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Penn & Teller and Bullshit and all that. Teller might be the same way, but the little shit never speaks.

If you listen to the Unmasked with Otto, he says the same thing about Penn.

"Giant head like a big jukebox up there"

rip Otto

Listen to his podcast and you will see that /u/wbgreen is correct. Both of his cohosts are major-league ass kissers.

I’ll have to go back and listen to the earlier episodes when it was just Penn and Godot. I don’t remember Godot being as bad as Donnelly though; that guy is a real hole. He brings absolutely nothing to the table and he makes the show unlistenable. He’s boring, doesn’t know how to tell a story, is completely unfunny despite continually calling himself an “improv comic”. We’ve all heard “stand up comics” think much faster on their feet than this dolt.

He once told an Opiesque lie about how when “Sweet Caroline” comes on in NJ bars everyone says “Suck my fucking dick” during the chorus after Diamond says “Sweet Caroline”. That has never happened and as far as I know no one would ever say that. He’s tried to fool everyone by tagging this “I’m from Jersey lifestyle”. There are only three things that are considered “Jersey”: the Shore, porkroll and those jug handles/ turn abouts that prevent people from making left turns. Everything else is either NY/Philly market related depending on where you live. I wish the Penn’s Sunday school sub was as active as this sub so I could call that cunt out.

Obscurity FM

The only thing funnier would've been if he'd said "Fred and Sam."

Why would that be funny? The show is Sam Roberts and Fred Mortson

Sam made a big deal of being the last of something that no one gave a fuck about to begin with.

Somebody should send the clip to Sam. And tell him that Penn is complimenting him so he will listen to it.

I like fred better than Sam, now if only fred can dump Jim I think I'd listen

this makes me so happy

He's just human wallpaper with a generic name, the same way Dave Smith. Everybody that interacts with Sam afterwards vaguely remembers him if they remember him at all as having a commonplace one syllable name and any name is as good as any. "Yeah, I did the Jim and Vince show, Jim was cool but Vince was kinda boring and ugly."

Truly the protege of Opie.

No one thinks Jim was cool.

Fred Robertson.

I bet he's shitting on Sam on purpose, was on show not that long ago.

I didn’t think he could be anymore like-able.

Hearing about his misfortune makes my dick hard.

Looking at his unfortunate face would make it retract into me like a dog.

He’s like Anne from Arrested Development

Except I would fuck her... violently.