Jim Norton talks about his 'ex' from a decade ago once a week

63  2018-05-31 by JimNortonUnfunnyFag

He took his 'ex' on a boat trip with Jonathan because he can't get a girlfriend and she feels sorry for him. Fucking loser. She hangs out with him for free dinners and boat rides. I bet he holds in his farts too, like a real queef.


Im guessing Carmody knows what's in the bank vault lockbox. Why else would Jim keep placating her?

Uhh maybe cause she’s a Comedic mastermind.. did u see the original chip cartoon THAT SHE CO-WROTE?!!? UH HELLO ANYONE HOME MCFLY. get a load of this guy y’all for real though

Thank you for your irrelevance. Best of luck hawking your sheriff stars and pleather vests between nod-out episodes, Nana's flat dweller.

Do you wanna buy a star now that I’m here

Let's haggle, nigga. Baseline includes a free SNN tee, to invoke memories of yesteryear.

I'll have you know that middle-aged Ian lives on an eleventy-first floor walk-up in Bed-Stuy where he shares a rented room with a group of leather fags.

I wanna see the boat trip movie

He just wants to show that he’s a mature adult. He and his ex have a real Jerry and Elaine thing going on. He doesn’t doesn’t just keep her around so he can edge himself to sleep later while thinking of all the what-if’s he could’ve done, meanwhile she enjoys the fringe benefits of still being associated with this little shit.

That’s totally not what’s going on at all

next on NBC, Gymy Wormfeld stars in his new sitcom, Wormfeld.

whats the deal with integrity? I mean really, it doesn't even have any grit!

:::::slap bass music plays:::::

crowd larfs

I agree. You'd have to be a real cynical asshole to believe that kind of outlandish scenario.

seems like a cuckold thing. he wants to be around the superior male who gets to fuck her.

You're so right and it's just pitiful.
He's a real loser's loser. What a fucking faggot.

jim is the worst of the 3 of them imo

And now won't even go home for Christmas. He's a true piece of shit, but not for any of the reasons he admits.

And he went to Bob Kelly's house for Thanksgiving. I get it, who wants to spend the holiday with civilians?

Their friends? He never brings that up

Did he sleep in her bicep too?

He tells a meaningless story from his personal life and includes self-deprecating humour, he‘s been doing this for 20+ years. Hack

He's talking about acting right now as if he were an actor... When he goes into thespian mode and starts saying YEAH I KNOW, ME TOO around real actors it's fucking insanely annoying.

Did he finally figure out what to do with his hands?

Yes. Flail them. Always.

Hopefully tie a noose around his thumb of a neck

A noose with a toe attachment right?

Brrrrrrrr theze winters ARE endluss

Celluloid. Amazing substance.

C'mon, he's a pretty dynamic actor.

That ex also made at least $30k off of his gofundme cartoon scam. I wouldn't doubt if she pocketed all of it.

"once a week"

You've got to wonder, would he be better off having a drink and smoking a joint every now and then, or being alone at 50 courting transgender cam girls and having to have HIV tests due to his activities?

He should just be dead. It’s best for everyone

Having have!

He simply could've said "a friend of mine" or "my friend Jen" or whatever.

Notice that's what guys do when talking about a woman they don't want you to know they fucked.

Jim likes her and wouldn't mind a reunion fuck or two.

He says "My Ex" as often as he can to make sure we all know he's not a fag. HAHAHAHA!!! That wormy fag.

Lol Jim really is a queef

he’s been bring up women and girlfriends a lot lately, he knows we all know about Princess Alena

Yeah, he's never brought up fucking trannies on his own, ever. Huge secret.

no one cares if he got with a tranny. We’re annoyed that Norton was a complete fool to think he was going to marry some 22 yr old webcam viking after a rendezvous in iceland

When Liberarci's erect penis was inside Scott Thorson butthole he was still less gay than modern Jim Norton.

He's rich and lives in one of the world's most exciting cities, yet does nothing but jerk off to porn and collect photos with celebrities. He barely even travels. Literally lives one of the most boring lives imaginable.

C'mon he went to Europe & complained about the hotel bedsheets or whatever.

Imagine going to Europe with his bank account and having nothing to tell about it other than the quality of your bedsheets.

Pays men to urinate in his mouth. Might be a little off.

I’m still not convinced Jim ever fucked Carmody. Didn’t he say she blew him ONCE despite being his “girlfriend.” No other mention of any actual sex that I can recall when he would mention her? It’s crystal goddamn clear she played the paycheck grabbin’ worm from the get-go. She is repulsed by Jim as she probably is about sex in general. Seems entirely too prissy. I don’t believe for a nano second the bitch isn’t an ice queen. Jim continues to allow himself to be used for “perks.”