Jim and Ant finally have it out

102  2018-05-31 by pashow84


Gotta fight for your love.

Barstool Sports trash.

I would say Jim need to learn to keep his head up but he's made a career out of keeping it buried in the sand. If his training was anything like his show prep I assume he was checking his cellphone as he walked to the ring.

if by sand you mean other men's genitals

Dumb Jimmy leading with his downsie head... He would probably do that too. Fucking fag.

Looked like he was trying to blow the other fighter - which what Jimmy does when presented by someone stronger than himself.

someone stronger than himself

you mean every adult male on the planet except Danny Ross?

by someone stronger than himself.

You mean every adult male on the planet except Danny Ross?

I like how the normal has a good chuckle before the round starts

No surprises here.

Cool Barstool Sports garbage. Who's the next Hottie Teacher scandal or latest Smokeshow? Fags

You realize you’re on the r/opieandanthony?

For real? I must've? Oh Boy! Fuck this stupid shit

MMA Jimmy - "Y'know it's tough man when you lead with the head like that i think you could probably leave yourself open to definitely taking a shot maybe"

Ole wishy washy never say anything set in stone so you can then back out of your comment Jimmy.

Leave it to a jungle bunny not to touch gloves

Lamar really did a number on poor Chip

"You killin my hardon n shit"

That black guy is an asshole and the white dude should've never been in there

No way that's Tranpa. Dude is punching like an actual man.

My mistake. You know they all look the same.

god damnit.. every day I'm like "here we go with more bashing and zero content" but then you jerks post something funny.. and pull me back in.

I laughed pretty hard.

Too muscular to be ant.

lol what is the context for this? why is that fat nobody in the ring to begin with?

This is how Obama's election was decided.

That is how Norton would fight tho.

Poor Jimmy.