I had my own bizarre run-in with Roseanne in 2013. I’d appeared on a TV show to talk about political correctness (specifically rape jokes) in comedy, and Barr became convinced that I was the P.C. police.... even 5 years later, she occasionally tweets, “Lindy West is a fat bitch.”

4  2018-05-31 by OochyWally


Now that’s a tweet we can all agree with.

I wonder how anyone became confused that professional obese scolding tattle tale Lindy West was somehow the pc police

Well, it's not exactly slander is it?

Way to make it about you fatso.

If this is about "not contributing to her ad earnings" then you're the biggest faggot here.

Careful, if too many of the 3 of us click that, she might recieve a fraction of a shekel

fatty fat fatso

Old Mae West is writing for the NYTs. What a world we live in.

Indy west is a fat bitch

the kike way is to somehow tie every calamity to be against you so u can exploit the victim status from it.

wow she is a fat disgusting pig

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Oh Erock.

Is she emptying her bowels to make room for more?

thought this was old name-dropping hollywood docmccoy at first

Miss West, did you, in fact, fellate Robin Zander and Bun E. Carlos on the night of July 23, 1998?

I think this proves that Roseanne is still mentally competent.

Isn't Lindy West's "husband" a buff gay Hispanic guy?

Half Nigerian I think. I know that because when I read it seemed entirely appropriate.


I cannot fucking stand this woman. Look at her her picture too, she's gets her hair done, does her makeup, gets good lighting... She subscribes to every mainstream idea of beauty except for the one about being skinny. That one is bullshit. Fuck this self-serving "activist".

I like how her whole argument about why rosanne’s twitter joke is particularly offensive and wrong devolves into:


white guilt shilling pig with her fat cunt mound salivating in her 3xl panties waiting for the next thing to be offended by.

I love piggies and I wouldn't even fuck Lindy west. Entitled fat blowhard yammering stupid bitch.

“This big bitch is bitter that no one wants to rape her”

What rambling nonsense.

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Is she emptying her bowels to make room for more?