Embrace your gayness

1  2018-05-31 by Suibu


What a gaggle of tossers.

That's a tough one, man

It's the company he keeps that lets me invalidate any cogent argument made on his podcast. I cannot trust that scientist or journalist friend of yours because you voluntarily spend time with Eddie Bravo

Rogan is the worst example of the fake Alpha male. Balls the size of hazelnuts so he hunts stocked grounds with a high power bow that might aswell be a rifle and acts like fucking Tarzan. "If I was actually small like they say then how come I killed this Elk huh?

I still listen to some of Rogan’s MMA shows. His friends might be the most unapologetic group of coattail riding faggots on earth. Every one of them now does stand up and a podcast that they use JRE to promote. Brandon Swab in particular who is the most unremarkable personality of the group. Even his insights into fighting are obvious and boring. He just sits there and agrees with Joe on EVERYTHING but rephrases it back to him worded like a 15 year old. Then Joe claps and feels young because him and his cool friend are ending every sentence with “son!”