Opie Podcast Episode #9 - Play-By-Play Analysis

103  2018-05-30 by NateJay82

Episode #9 – Cream Puff Boys (Chris Distefano & Carl Ruiz). May 30 2018. Listening to every episode so you don’t have to.

  • Opie’s new studio isn’t finished so he’s recording another on-the-go podcast in the streets.
  • He hangs out beside a New York City dumpster introducing comedian Chris Distefano.
  • The narrator interrupts for a super hilarious pop-up flashback about Carl’s bad breath.
  • Chris talks about Carl getting divorced and shows Opie a picture of his penis.
  • Opie chases after Gilbert Gottfried to be on his podcast. It was just a small old Asian man.
  • The two grown men are afraid of walking past the McDonalds where black teens hang out.
  • Opie explains that he had bitch tits from stress eating after the birth of his second child.
  • The guys mock a Greek man who can’t speak English and challenge him to a spelling contest.
  • “Hahaha I can’t believe you threw away a $2 million opportunity” – Self-Aware Opie.
  • Opie shouts HUGE FAN at the bakery girl 8 times. He tried to kiss her once. She declined.
  • Buzzing sounds, traffic noises, wind, and men smacking their lips as they eat. Podcast gold.
  • They spent 10 minutes hunting down a honey street merchant to give him a cream puff.
  • Opie and Chris meet Carl outside a bar. Carl’s master palate does not enjoy the cream puffs.
  • The guys end by complaining about WASPy girls not having stinky enough vaginas.
  • Opie begs the audience to buy his t-shirts and will continue next time inside the bar.

Best Moment: Opie deluding himself into believing his bitch tits have gone away.

Worst Moment: Opie attempting to repeat his sexual harassment of a girl in a bakery just trying to do her job.

Overall: DudeCmonItWouldBeGayIfYouDidntShowMeTheDickPic/10


You are like Jesus.

You are suffering for all of us so we can be free.

Opie shouts HUGE FAN at the bakery girl 8 times. He tried to kiss her once. She declined.

Too bad Bam's former hole would never listen to this idiot's podcast

I'm pretty sure that they are separated.

If not, it is coming soon.

You forgot the Vos plug at the end of this dumb joke. Wait, did this really happen?

cant tell if this is real or not

It sounds so awful that it has to be real.

It is. I've been checking to make sure periodically.

I can't even fathom how horrible it is to listen to this. What the fuck is this garbage

Has Carl been on every episode so far?

I like the idea of someone taking every new Opie podcast and tearing it to shreds, piece by piece, until Opie quits or has a nervous breakdown.

Right because after all these years, it will be a threadwith 100 views on a small corner of the internet that gets him to have a breakdown..

Yes. One thread at a time.

bitch tits

Is opie sure its not the soy milk he loves to guzzle with his cereal?

Lean on Me with soy milk. Sounds right up that fag’s alley

god damnit, I drink soy milk. It's supposed to be gay?

I haven't researched it myself but supposedly too much soy causes phytoestrogens in your body which mimics the effects of estrogen giving you nice and supple milkers

Or just drink normal milk like an American.

Also have some jimmy dean sawsage. The big pack not the little ones they are selling now

I’m not from the north. I’m a Texas man.

Almond milk has too much sodium. I like it otherwise.

Soy contains plant-estrogens. Those are weaker than human estrogen (which both men and women produce to some extend) and can dock onto receptors instead of them. There's no credible study showing soy consumption increases estrogen levels in men. It actually decreases breast cancer risks.

The meme is that it makes you a pussy, though, which I support cause soy sucks.

The guys mock a Greek man who can’t speak English and challenge him to a spelling contest.

How great would it be to hear Opie lose that contest?

Just have a lot of words with Greek roots and watch him squirm.

Obligatory thank you for your service. Since I'm not going to even attempt to listen again, how likely would you say it is that Tits gets in trouble for his awkward-sounding sexual harassment of the bakery girl? That sounds creeper as fuck.

He’ll be fine: #metoo only applies to famous people.

Also, Gregg is probably lying and just jazzing it up for the show.

Carl’s getting a divorce?


Chris apparently announced it to the world as the opening line of his standup routine at Carl's birthday. This makes him the funniest member of Opie's crew by default.

So how did the other three guys in the audience react?

Carl was morose, Opie was recording and Sherrod was trying to find a way to make into an funny hack racial joke.

Carl's getting divorced. There's a difference.

I was under the impression he was divorced. His wife got the restaurant in Chatham NJ. Nice little place there, pictures of all the famous people who have eaten there and yet no picture Gregg “Opie” Hughes; after all these years he’s still a nobody.

I’ve never actually heard/seen/met Carl and yet his association/friendship with Tits makes me hate his guts.

He seriously acknowledges he's got titties?

Yes but he has deluded himself into thinking they went away.

I tried listening to that other podcast Jocktober Opie's show, but I couldn't listen to it because of Opie. That's how bad it is.

What would be so stressful about the second child? Was he worried she would fatally dine on pennies?


It’s not his kid, just like the first one.

This sounds like the worst one so far.

I dunno, anything with Sherrod has got to be worse.

Was the part where he chased after the old Asian man thinking it was Gilbert Gottfried funny or dumb and douchy? It he really thought it was him that would be kinda funny. Gilbert is squinty as a mug.

Somehow this is still more entertaining than Jim & Sam.

There’s a narrator?

The Balladeer. “Seems them Hughes boys got themselves in a heap of trouble with fawkin management again”

Opie’s new studio isn’t finished so he’s recording another on-the-go podcast in the streets.

I thought it wasn't about having a studio anymore,it's going on the streets where the real people are.

Also I know a certain Montenegrian used catering equipment dealer that might have studio space to rent out.

Your a saint. I hope you don't get damaged. I'm rooting 4 ya.

I continue to be speechless.

Don’t forget that Opie also lies about buying honey from the guy all the time, but the guy has only been selling honey for three days or so. Opie then admits he was lying about that part...why does he do this?

There are so many layers to this answer. Fucking hate people that do this. I dont blame anyone that doesnt want to be around him. Plus he fucking sucks at lying. You would think that after doing it so long that he might figure it out.

Opie is a friendless faggot who should chemically castrate himself.

Who's Opie?

Will u join my next fwend clan 🙃🙃

Don't know why any of those guys keep hanging around him. They all have huge things going on within their lives and careers by comparison. They're not getting the 750 bucks per appearance anymore. It's glaringly obvious Opie has no cards up his sleeves about lining up a lucrative new broadcasting gig. Block his number from your phone, and pretend you don't know him if you cross paths on the street. Westwood One won't be able to sever ties fast enough once the podcast becomes nothing but Opie wandering around talking to himself in a Walmart parking lot.

You know you could make up one of these play-by-plays no one would know the difference.

I’m not from the north. I’m a Texas man.