Louis offered for jim and sam to do roast battles against each other...

6  2018-05-30 by acountnumer666

And sam quickly turned it down because he has the creativity of a bullfrog and jim said some insult that was wasn't funny but "ironically" then sam said wouldn't it be funny if they went up there and complimented each other This pretty much sums up everything wrong with this show sam has no idea what funny is and has 0 ability to create anything that resembles a joke And jimmy is becoming reliant on this I'm going to say some that is funny but ironically so it will be funny but guess what after an hour of listening ironic or not IT JUST ISENT FUNNY


"Wouldn't it be funny if we went up and roasted each other with corny old jokes?" But when Norm Macdonald did just that at the Bob Saget roast Jim was on stage and didn't get it, it went right over his head, fucking dope.

Leave the boy alone, he's a slow learner.

Roast Battles are gay.

You don't like corny white people standing on a stage reading off hack insults in a robotic tone?

But Vos kills on Roast Masters every week.

I never watch, but I heard Vos sucks on the YouTube videos. The whole thing is ridiculous, it’s forced and dull.

Nice punctuation, stupid.

Is your keyboard broken?

Wrote this 2 minutes before I had to go back to work. I didn't have time to proof read